Lie To Me-Chapter 52 (X)

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Harry was insatiable... As if he was trying to make up for all the times we hadn't given in to our basic desires, all of the moments we'd walked away from.

As promised, he took me again, his hips moving slow and steady between my open legs, my body electrified by his touch. It had never been like this. I had never felt like this... So alive... So aware of every touch, every brush of skin on skin..

Gripping his shoulders, I pulled him down over me, needing the weight, the heat of his body against mine, needing to feel his sweat-soaked skin sliding along my own.

His eyes met mine as he continued to thrust against me, my legs wrapping around him, ankles locking at his back, tilting my hips so he could go deeper. The pressure built once again, the soft tingle deep in my stomach growing...burning throughout my body.

I watched, unable to look away, at the emotions shown in his eyes. All the love, all the desire a woman could ever dream for looked back at me...

No words were spoken as I broke once more. My head falling back against the pillows, my body shaking uncontrollably with the force of my passion for this man, the force of my love for him. And oh, how I loved him...

With a kiss to my shoulder and a soft bite against my skin he finally let go, spilling himself inside me, my name a whisper on his lips.

It was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard...

(Harry's POV)

My heart pounded in my chest as I collapsed against Riley's soft warm body, her breathless laughter in my ear...

Holy... What had just happened to me?!? The last hour had felt like an out of body experience, where I'd been suspended, teetering on the edge of ecstasy, my entire being a burning flame. What had gotten into me?

It was Riley... It was all her. I'd never been like this with a woman before; so desperate, so determined. Sex was good. I liked it. But this... This was so much more than that. I could watch her come all day, listen to her soft words, her choked moans on repeat, touch her silky skin until the end of time.

I loved her. Every inch, every curve, every ounce... She wasn't just my best friend. She wasn't just a fantasy come to life. She wasn't just a good time in bed. She was all of it; everything I could ever want.

My breath caught. Shit...

Gentle fingers lacing through my hair pulled me out of my mind, away from the thoughts tugging at my heart.

"Are you okay?"


"Did I die?" I attempted humor to mask the chaos threatening to tear me in two. How could I have fallen so hard?!? So fast?!?

You'd already loved her, idiot... You just didn't realize what that meant until now...

Thank you, asshole subconscious...

Her giggled response was like a lick up my spine, and I used every bit of strength I had left to disentangle myself from her, trying my best to hide my body's instant reaction in the process.

Landing in a heap on the bed next to her, I wiggled the blankets out from underneath us and covered us up. I had to stay busy; couldn't look at her just yet. Riley could read me like a book, and if she saw...if she knew...

"...amazing. I never knew..."

Shit... What was she saying?

"What?" My eyes finally met hers as she curled her body into my side, wrapping an arm around my torso. God she was beautiful... Her hair was in complete disarray, her cheeks flushed, her eyes bright despite her heavy lids, her damp skin now cooled in the night air...

Just... perfect.

Note: Hello my lovelies!! I just want to give you all a heads up that my schedule is going to be hell this coming week/weekend, so although I'm going to do my best to post as often as possible, I know already that it's not going to be easy. So, bear with me!! It will get better!! I love you guys, and I hope you have an amazing week!! ❤️

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