Lie To Me-Chapter 84

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With a bouncing leg, I sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Harry. Each passing minute only served to make my nerves grow. Something had happened. Something that he wasn't happy about.

My mother had tried to help diffuse my near panic at all the possibilities racing through my mind, but even her reminder that Harry and I were a good team and could get through anything, wasn't helping.

Seeing that I wouldn't relax until I talked to Harry, she'd given up when I'd dropped them back at the hotel, giving me a hug before climbing out of the car, and reminding me yet again that we had brunch plans with Anne and Robin the next day. I swear, it was like she and Anne had become instant best friends or something!

I heard a key enter the lock on the door, and held my breath.

"Riley? I'm home!!"

"I'm in here," I called from the kitchen, mentally preparing myself for bad news.

Coming around the corner, Harry smiled as he entered the kitchen, the curl in his hair evidence that he'd spent at least part of his day sweating. An image of Harry, shirtless, covered in sweat while working in his mother's yard flashed in my mind, and I had to swallow to keep the drool from escaping my lips.

'This is NOT the time, Riley...' My subconscious scolded my libido, and I shook my head.

"So, what's going on? What did you need to talk about? What happened?"

His smile widened at the look of concern on my face. " kiss? No hug? Not even a 'Hello, Harry'?!?"

(Harry's POV)

The look she gave me could have incinerated me, right there on the spot. But instead of getting irritated and calling me a smart ass, which I was definitely being, she pushed back her chair and stood.

Taking measured steps, Riley slowly approached, her hands coming up to burrow into my unruly hair, her body coming to rest against me.

"Hello, Harry..."

And then she kissed me. Her soft lips melded to mine, gliding, pressing, taking, giving back. My mind emptied of all the day's stress in that one kiss, I forgot about the ruined plans, I forgot about her birthday gift, L.A., and the entire trip. Nothing existed apart from us. Right here. Right now.

All too soon, she pulled away, giggling at me as I followed her retreat.

"Now, tell me what's going on."

I pursed my lips in thought as I mulled it over. "Hmm... No. I think I need another kiss first."

Her laughter filled my ears as she attempted to keep her distance, her petite hand coming to press against my chest. "Down boy... No more kisses until you spill the beans."

I smiled down at the beautiful woman in front of me, crinkling my nose as I teased her. "Bossy..."

Not even skipping a beat, Riley leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to the tip of my nose. "Brat..."

"That's not exactly the kiss I was looking for..."

"Uh huh... Now spill."

Knowing I couldn't put it off much longer, I led her back to her seat, pulling out the chair next to her.

"Okay... Well, I had something planned in L.A. for Monday, your birthday present... But, somebody dropped the ball, and it turns out we'll have to go tomorrow instead. Or...I'll have to go tomorrow."

Riley gave me a look. "Wait... What? That's it?!? That was what you were so worried about?!?"

Well, yeah...

"I understand if you want me to go alone. I know your mum and Bree aren't scheduled to leave until Monday afternoon, which was also when we were going to leave... But, if you come with me, we have to leave tomorrow night."

My head fell at the look on her face. I knew she'd want to wait for her mum. I knew she'd want to stay until they left. But...I was really hoping she'd go to L.A. with me. The surprise just wouldn't be the same if she didn't. And if I were being completely honest, I didn't want to go alone...

I watched as she thought it over, chewing on her bottom lip.

"When are you leaving?"

I knew it... I knew she wouldn't want to leave her mother. But as much as I understood, I couldn't hide the disappointment on my face. "The flight leaves at 8:00 tomorrow night."

Nodding her head, she looked down before reaching out to take my hand.

"Well, we have brunch plans in the morning... So, maybe we should pack tonight. We don't want to be late for our flight."

I nodded in understanding, a small frown weighing on my face. "It's okay. I understand."

And then it hit me. Did she just say "we"?!? Did she just say "our flight"?!? My eyes widened with realization as I looked into her smiling face. "Wait a minute... Are you saying yes? You'll go with me?!?"

Leaning closer, Riley giggled before once again pressing her lips to mine. "Of course I am! Whatever you have planned, this is important to you. That makes it important to me too."

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