Lie To Me- Chapter 28

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I was a mess... After my horrid "lunch" with Jeremy, where I actually never ended up eating, I'd gone back to work, his words repeating themselves over and over again in my head.

I was going to end up alone... Was he right? Was my friendship with Harry going to be the death of every relationship I'd attempt to have? And although it made me sad that Jeremy was walking away at the very first bump, the very first hurdle we'd have to cross, it was what he'd said that really hurt. Before moving out of his seat, and leaving me there, he'd delivered his final blow... "If it is true, and you and Harry are just friends, then I feel sorry for you, Riley. Because one day, he's going to find someone else, and leave you behind. He's going to go off and start a family, and you'll be alone. All because you chose to put him first..."

For hours I'd sat at work, trying to focus, mindlessly conversing with coworkers and clients, while his words ate away at me... When someone had made a joke about looking pregnant at her wedding, I lost it...

The tears had started, and they just didn't want to stop... I stopped by a market on the way home, picking up all the essentials for an evening pity party. Wine, ice cream, and tissues. Then when I got home, thanking God that Harry had decided to vacate the condo, I raided our combined collection of DVDs, picking out every sappy romantic comedy I could find, and popping one of my favorites in the player.

And there I'd been when Harry walked in the door, almost completely through "The Wedding Date," my wine and ice cream all but forgotten as I yelled at the characters like it was the Super Bowl.

They were always so stupid. From the beginning of the storyline, everyone knew the characters would be perfect for each other. But did they make it simple? Oh, no... They all had to fight their feelings, hide them away... Then again, if they immediately gave into their instant chemistry, every romantic comedy would be all of twenty minutes long.

When he'd first walked in, it took me a minute to believe it was really him. And, oh how I needed him in that moment... The people on the tv weren't listening to me, my thighs were frozen solid, and my stomach was churning from the mixture of nothing but wine, and milk...

Yet, when he'd taken in my surroundings, asking me what had happened, being his usual sweet, caring self, I lost it all over again, and spilled everything. Well, almost everything... I did hold back from uttering Jeremy's final cut. I didn't want to say those particular words out loud, fearing that if I said it, it might actually come true.

I knew that my days of having Harry all to myself were numbered... Well, as numbered as they can be with having to always share him with the world's female population. But, still... He wouldn't toss me aside, would he? No... Not MY Harry. He'd make room for me AND his other woman.

Correction: You would BE his other woman... Once he falls in love, there won't be a Riley and Harry anymore...

I really was beginning to hate my subconscious...

And he'd been the amazing best friend I knew him to be, hugging me, encouraging me to get it all out, and even forcing me to lean on him both physically and emotionally. I needed it. I needed his strength to counter my weakness, to hold me close, to make me feel loved and protected.

As I continued my tale about what Jeremy'd said, I felt Harry go rigid, his body suddenly pulling tight. Even his heart seemed to pause for a fraction of a minute.


I pulled away from him to see that his eyes were closed, his head tilted to the side as he shook it gently. When he finally opened them, he looked dazed, confused, as if someone had just thrown him for a major loop...

Apparently, it was my turn to ask. "Harry? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine." He ran his fingers through his hair, disheveling it even more than it had been, and took my hands.

"Riley, I want you to listen to me. You are the most beautiful person I've ever met, both inside and out. And you will NOT end up alone! I promise you that... You will always have me, because no matter what happens, no matter how many guys come in and out of your life before you find the one that will make your world complete, I loved you first. And I will always love you."

His green gaze held mine, keeping me locked to him, a prisoner to his words, unable to hear anything else, unable to register anything else. At that moment, it was as if we were the only two people in the world...

There were so many things I wanted to say in response...that I loved him too; that no matter who came into my life, I would never WANT to be rid of him; that he was my soulmate, my best friend, and honestly the only person I could see myself growing old with...

But, in a whispered breath, all that came out was his name...


With the sound of my voice, his eyes moved to my lips, and they parted under his gaze, my breath catching in my throat...


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