Lie To Me-Chapter 122 (X)

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"Riley, look at me..."

Moving my head from it's resting place I straightened up, and my heart nearly stopped at the fire barely contained in Harry's eyes. "I love you. I need you. I want you. Always..."

Even with the tear stains still fresh on my cheeks, my body reacted to him. Instinctively softening beneath his touch, instantly burning under his gaze. His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer, lifting me up.

"Harry... Please..." My voice broke as he tilted his head, claiming my mouth. It was heaven, and hell. The sweetest torture, pulling me under, tearing me apart.

My hands made their way into his dripping curls as he feasted on me, his teeth nipping at my lips, his tongue tasting the deepest recesses of my mouth.

A moan broke deep within my throat, and he nearly growled, his fingers digging into my skin, moving me, positioning my hips, guiding my body to just the right spot. And as I felt him pressing against me, seeking entrance into my dripping heat, I cried out, the faint sound muffled against his lips.

Needing to feel him inside me, needing to be one be complete again, I sank down onto him, reveling in the burn as my muscles stretched to accommodate his length. Inch by glorious inch he filled me slowly, the both of us holding our breath, our lips hovering together.

"Jesus, Riley." Harry was the first to speak, his head falling back against the side of the pool the moment he was completely sheathed in my heat. "Every time... Every single time with you is better than the last... How could you ever question what you do to me?"

I shook my head, unable to speak... unable to think beyond how it felt to have him inside me, filling me so perfectly, as if we were designed to be linked together.

Harry shifted from underneath me, and my mouth fell open in a silent cry to the heavens. This was all I needed. This was all I wanted. To be one with the man I loved. To be whole again...

Lifting myself up, I sunk down onto him again, guided by his knowing hands as they moved down to cup my ass. My back arched when he pulled me closer, allowing himself to scrape against that special place inside of me. The one only he could find...the one only he could control.

"Harry... Harry... Harry..."

His name was a breathless chant passing my lips as my body shook, the tempo of our movements soft and slow, aided by the gentle rocking of the water surrounding us.

Harry had made love to me many times before. He had taken me every way possible. Fast. Slow. Hard. Soft. But it had never been like this...

Through every movement, every rise and fall of our bodies coming together, every kiss he placed so delicately on my skin, I felt the love pouring off of him. The way he held back the desire to speed things up, the way he paused every time he was completely buried inside me. He loved me... I could feel it deep in my soul.

Fresh tears came to my eyes as we continued this dance, rocking up and down, back and forth, holding each other as if we couldn't bear to let go.


He stopped suddenly, halting all movements, and it was then that I realized I'd been sobbing, my head tilted back away from him, the tears pouring from my eyes.

His hands came up from where they'd held me to cup my cheeks, the cool water dripping from his fingers mixing with the warm tears falling down my face. "Riley, what happened? Did I hurt you?"

I attempted to shake my head, the fear of what I might say keeping me from opening my mouth...

"Talk to me. Please... Tell me what happened."

"I... Harry, I..." I broke, my body shaking with built up emotion.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I'm so sorry for everything... For being jealous, for worrying about the women from your past, for thinking that I'm not good enough for you. I'm sorry for questioning this, for questioning us. I'm sorry for being scared that you'll grow tired of me and walk away. I'm sorry..."

"Shh... It's okay, Baby... It's okay."

Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me to his chest, resting my head above the rhythmic beating of his heart.

"You don't need to apologize for anything, Riley. You've done nothing wrong. I love you, and if I have to spend every minute of every day proving that to you, I will. I'll do whatever it takes to make you see..."

"Just love me... That's all I need you to do."

His fingers brushed under my chin, lifting my head. "Then consider it done, because I love you more than anything."

Our lips met as we began to move again. Down and in, up and out, we rocked, slowly increasing in tempo. Breathless moans and whispers of love surrounded us as we climbed higher, the friction of our bodies coming together, the collective beating of our hearts sounding in my ears.

"Harry!" I gasped as he ground me against him, sparks of light dancing behind my eyes as I bounced in his lap.

"Let it go, Riley. I've got you. I've got you, and I'm never letting you go. I love you..."

With his final words my body exploded around him, and he swallowed my cries of ecstasy. My thighs shook with every convulsion, every contraction that seemed to only tighten the grip I had on him. Seconds later, Harry was there with me, spilling himself inside me, his own muscles quivering beneath mine.

And as we came back down to earth, our breaths uneven, our hearts racing, he held me tight, never letting go...

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