Lie To Me-Chapter 153

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I made it to the park in record time.

Of course, that was after I freakishly stalked some poor guy out for a night run...

Thinking it might have been Harry, that he may have changed his mind about the bike, I'd kept pace with him, leaning out the window and trying to get his attention. When he finally turned to me, the realization that it wasn't Harry hit, and I spent the next five minutes apologizing, explaining, and trying to convince him to not call the police...

But, none of that mattered now. I was here.

Getting out of the car, I locked the doors and pocketed the keys. I looked around for his motorcycle, and any signs of life. "Harry?"

Hearing no more than crickets in response and seeing nothing, I walked further in, the lights of the city coming into view.

"Harry? Are you here?"

Still no answer...

I pulled my phone from my back pocket, checking once more to see if he'd texted me back, or if maybe Bree had found him. But, nothing there too. I groaned out loud, and plopped down on a bench.

Almost the entirety of Los Angeles sparkled in front of me. He was out there... Out there somewhere, but I was pretty much out of ideas as to where that somewhere could be.

Looking to the night sky for help, I begged out loud. "Please let me find him. Just... Just let him be okay. Please."

Blinking away the panicked tears threatening to fall, I pulled out my phone one more time, sending a message to Harry...again.

Harry, please let me know if you're okay. I don't care what you're doing. I don't care if you're angry, or drunk, or any of it. I just want to know you're not hurt... I love you.

With my emotions getting harder and harder to control, I shook my head. I could cry later. Right now, I just had to find Harry.

I quickly made my way back to the car, and sent Bree a short text, hoping that she'd be better at responding than Harry was right now.

He's not at the park. Any luck at the bar?

By the time she got back to me, I was more than halfway there.

Yeah. He's here, but he's been drinking... Why don't you head back to the house? I'll get him there soon.

I nearly ran off the road. WHAT?!? He was there, at the bar, less than three minutes away! Did Bree seriously think I was just going to go back to the house and wait?!? And why the hell didn't she text me like I told her to?!? If she'd found him, why didn't she... But, Bree KNEW how worried I was! She KNEW the plethora of thoughts and scenarios that had been running through my mind! She knew...

My foot pressed a little harder to the pedal. No. I was going to that damn bar. Harry wasn't answering his phone, Bree was telling me to just go home and wait? Hell no! Something wasn't right about this... I could feel it. And if nothing else, I was going to find out what was going on.

Pulling into a parking space right up front, I instantly spotted Harry's motorcycle, and Bree's rental car. A part of me was elated that he was okay, that he wasn't lying in a hospital somewhere, or wrapped in the arms of a certain leggy blonde model. But, another part...a big part...had a really bad feeling...

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath and scolded myself for automatically going to a bad place. Everything was going to be okay. Harry was okay, and that's what really mattered.

I beeped the car as I got out, and headed for the rich mahogany door, pulling the thick metal handle. The lights were dimmed, as common in any dive bar, but I was still able to make out some of the patrons when I walked inside. Along the one wall, two couples, and a group of biker-looking gentlemen sat in booths, chatting. But, other than another couple full-on making out at the bar, there didn't seem to be anyone else in there.

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