Lie To Me-Chapter 83

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As Bree and I neared Harry's bedroom, my mind still wrapped up in a mental argument with that nasty little woman in my head, his voice caught my attention, and I paused.

"No no no! Not tomorrow! He has to be there on Monday!" He took a loud aggravated breath. "That was the agreed delivery. We won't be there until Monday. If you deliver him tomorrow, it'll ruin the whole surprise!"

Bree and I looked at each other, our eyes widening.

Surprise? What surprise?

"No. No, that's okay. I'll figure something out and call you back, thank you." Hearing him end the call, I grabbed Bree's hand and drug her into my room.

The door barely shut before she turned at me. "What are you doing?!? I wanna know what's going on! It's obvious, whatever that was had something to do with you!"

I shook my head at her. As nosy as I am, I would never want to break Harry's trust by listening in on something I wasn't supposed to hear.

"No, Bree. Whatever he is dealing with, if he wants me to know, he'll tell me." Noting the seriousness in my voice, she dropped it, and let me get ready for our day out.

If only I could get my brain to drop it as well...

All through the day...after I'd gotten ready, and Bree and I had met up with my mom; after I'd taken the two of them all over London, seeing tourist attraction after tourist attraction; even after we'd made reservations for dinner, my mind still thought over Harry's conversation.

Had something happened? Was there something wrong with our trip? Did it have to do with me, or was it all about something else? And just who was "he"?!?

"Sweetie, you should invite Harry to join us for dinner," my mom stopped me as we got in the car to head to the restaurant. "He's such a sweet boy, and after everything he's done... It's only fair."

Before I could respond, I saw Bree's lips turn up, an evil smirk taking her face. "Yeah, Riley... You should invite Harry to join us."

Knowing that she was up to no good, I ignored her, and pulled out my phone. "He said he'd be with his mom today, but I can text him, just in case." With my mom patiently, and my best friend not so patiently waiting, I texted Harry.

'Hey, we're about to head to dinner, and my mom...well, all of us, wanted to invite you to join in.'

Not two seconds later, I got a reply.

'As much as I'd love to spend the evening with you three beautiful women, I'm still with my mum, helping out with a few things, so I won't be able to make it. But, send your mother my love, and I'll see you at home in a little while. XX -H'

I read his message out loud, laughing at the use of his initial. Who else would it have been, writing me back from his phone?

My mom smiled at his sweet words. "See? I knew I liked him."

Laughing even harder, I turned to her, "Mom, you like everybody..."

She nudged me with her elbow, giving me a knowing grin. "I do, when they make my daughter as happy as he does."

I tried to hide my blush as we headed to dinner, but the way my mom kept smiling at me showcased my failure to do so.

Well, what could I say? I was happier here with Harry than I'd ever been back home, and that was BEFORE we'd gotten...closer... With him now, I was practically floating on air.

About halfway through our dinner, filled with catching up and reminiscing about old times, my phone buzzed.

'Something's come up. Can we talk when I get home? -H'

Again with that initial...

I quickly typed back a response. 'Of course! Everything okay?'

"Who are you texting?" My mom interjected as I pressed send.

"Harry. Something's wrong..."

Reading my mind, Bree spoke with conviction, "I guarantee this has something to do with that phone call!"

Nodding in agreement, I chewed the inside of my cheek. That's exactly what I'd been thinking. And if this really did have to do with "the call," then it DID have something to do with me...

But, what?

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