Lie To Me-Chapter 76

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"Oh! Come! On!"

At the sound of Bree's voice, I pulled away from Harry, turning around to look at my friends. They too, were all staring at her, wide-eyed and shocked over her sudden outburst.

"Bree? What's the matter? Are you okay?"

Though she wobbled unsteady on her feet, she stepped forward, looking at us both as if we'd committed some sort of cardinal sin... "No, I'm not okay. I'm seriously getting sick of all this bullshit, and I just can't keep my mouth shut anymore! The two of you..." She pointed between Harry and I, "...are a fucking joke, thinking that you're so cute with this 'falling in love' crap! You can't seriously believe he gives more than two shits about you! All he wants is in your fucking pants!! And this whole party, and everybody involved in it are so fucking fake, I can't even tell what's up or down anymore! 'We love you, Riley... You're so special to us, even though we've only known you for a couple of fucking years!' Its all just bullshit! They don't know you! They don't know ANYTHING!!"

I shook my head in disappointment. How stupid I'd been to hope that maybe she'd changed, that maybe tonight would have been better. But, no... Bree was officially drunk. Completely plastered, and for whatever reason, pissed as hell and taking it out on me and my friends...

Looking around at the growing number of people who had stopped dancing to listen to her rant, I panicked. I had to get her out of here. If anything happened, any amount of a scene, it would likely end up all over the papers tomorrow, leaving the boys and their management to try to clean up the mess, simply because they'd been there...

Trying to remain calm, at least outwardly, I grabbed her hand and drug her away from the dance floor. I was embarrassed, hurt, and beyond angry that she'd pulled another stunt like this, tried to start another my birthday party, of all places! And after I hadn't seen her in ages!

This was the only real problem in our friendship, the only part of her that I didn't care to even know. When sober, Bree was a good person; a bit self-centered and self-serving, but she had an honest and loving heart deep down, and we'd shared plenty of good memories over the course of our friendship.

But when she'd drink, the filter on her mouth would disappear, she'd lose every ounce of altruism she had, and she always...ALWAYS started a fight... Usually, she'd pick one of our friends, or the guy she was seeing at the time, or some random chick at the bar, but apparently tonight, her sights had been set on MY friends here; people that, although we hadn't known each other long, were now like family to me...

"Riley, what are you doing?!?"

I ignored her, and kept walking. How could I have been so oblivious? The night had started out so promising, and held what would be some of my best memories. But, I should have seen this coming... I should have known it would happen eventually...

I shook my head again as I pulled her closer to the front door, only this time I was shaking it at myself...

"Riley, what the fuck!? Stop!"

Stopping at her command, I spun around to face her as she nearly plowed into me.

"Bree, you're leaving. I'm putting you in a cab, and you're going back to the hotel. Now."

She stepped back away from me. "You're taking their side?!? We've been best friends forever, and you're just dumping me for them?!? Just sending me away like I'm nothing?!?"

I watched the tears gather in her eyes, and some of my anger faded as I realized what her underlying problem was. Jealousy.

Bree was jealous of my friendships with Harry, Gemma, the boys...everyone. In her eyes, she'd been replaced...

With new understanding, I put my arm around her, and gently guided her through the door and passed the line of people outside. Turning to security, I told them, "I'm getting her into a cab. I'll be right back."

They nodded as they watched the two of us struggle with the few steps in front of the club.

As we approached a waiting cab, I turned to hug her. "Bree, I love you. We've been best friends forever, and we'll always be best friends. But, you need to stop doing this. Please..." I heard her sniffle as she hugged me back, and continued. "This cab will take you back to the hotel, where you can sleep this off, okay? I'll talk to you in the morning."

Letting her go, I opened the door and helped her inside. With tear-stained cheeks, she gave me one last look as I shut the door. "I'm sorry Riley... I just..."

"I know." I gave her a soft smile. "It'll be okay."

Seconds later, I watched the cab drive off, hoping that I hadn't lied. Was it going to be okay? Looking to the club, I slowly started walking back. How was I going to face everyone after what just happened? How was I going to explain? I usually knew how to fix it after she'd had a drunken meltdown, but how was I going to make everything okay this time?

With a deep breath, I headed back up the stairs, and passed the security by the door, nodding a thank you as they let me back in.

And there they were, not more than four feet from the door... A huddled group of my closest friends, talking quietly and shaking their heads at one another.

As the door shut behind me, everything stopped, and all eyes turned my way.

Not one of them looked happy...

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