Lie To Me-Chapter 112

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With a start Harry and I pulled away from each other, simultaneously turning our heads to the man who'd just interrupted what was, if I do say so myself, a damn good kiss.

"I have neighbors, you know!! If you're gonna make out all day, at least come inside and say Hi first!"

My face flamed as I stared up at a smirking Zach Braff. "Oh my God..."

Harry just laughed in response, climbing out of the car. "Yeah, yeah! We're coming..." Making his way around the car, he opened my door, taking my hand to help me out.

Though I'd expected our first actual introductions to be a bit awkward given how he'd just caught Harry and I making out like teenagers in his driveway, Zach greeted me with a very warm and welcoming hug when we met him at the door.

"Riley! It is so great to finally meet you! Now maybe Harry here will stop going on and on about how wonderful you are..."

I turned to Harry just in time to see his cheeks flush.

God, he was adorable...

"It's so nice to meet you too! Though, I apologize for...that." I gestured toward the car. "I honestly didn't think anybody could...would see us..."

Zach leaned in close, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to guide me inside. "Ahh, but you see Riley, my dear, I'm magic... I see all..."

Harry snorted in laughter behind us. "Yeah, through your security cameras..."

Zach led us through his lavish, yet comfortable looking home to the backyard where a large variety of people were gathered, playing table tennis, lounging under shaded trees, and conversing by a beautiful built in grill. Some I recognized, from either television, movies, or various award shows. Others, however, were a little harder to place.

Allowing Harry to take his place at my side, Zach took us toward a tented bar, complete with a suited bartender, to boot... But, before grabbing the bartender's attention, he tapped the shoulder of another tall gentleman.

"Riley, I'd like you to meet my brother Josh, and his beautiful wife Jill. Guys, this is Riley, and you remember Harry, don't you?"

Jill was the first to speak up. "Harry!!" She stepped forward to give him a hug, and I tramped down the small pang of jealousy that struck me at seeing him in the arms of another woman, no matter how much older she was, or how big that ring was on her finger.

"How have you been? I know it's only been a few months, but it seems like forever since we've seen you!"

He told her about what he and the boys had been up to, talking about the coming tour, and the next album. I listened intently. No matter how many times I'd heard this same information, I couldn't help but love listening to him talk about it, hearing the excitement in his voice. Harry was always happiest when he was talking about all the wonderful things coming up in the future.

"...But, the most important change in my life recently, is this woman right here." He tucked me in securely to his side, smiling at the surprised, and a little embarrassed look on my face. "I know you guys have heard me talk about Riley before.."

"That's an understatement," Josh laughed under his breath while tipping his glass to his mouth.

Harry gave him a quick glare before continuing. "Well, Riley has agreed..."

It was Jill's turn to interject this time, and unfortunately she was not quiet about it...

"Oh my God!! You're getting married?!?!?"

My eyes shot wide as it seemed that all conversation around us stopped, countless eyes turning in our direction, and my blood ran cold.

Oh, God...

"Uh..." Harry seemed to be at as much of a loss for words as I was. "Uh... No... I mean... She's my girlfriend... Now..."

Zach and his brother busted into laughter beside us, as Jill's face twisted in mortification. "Oh, God... I am so sorry! I just... The way you talked about her before... I... I assumed you were already dating..."

Feeling sorry for the poor woman, I laughed despite my embarrassment. "Don't worry. A lot of people made that assumption. Apparently it took Harry a while to catch on that he was madly in love with me..."

The group laughed as I nudged Harry's side, giggling at the smirk I received in response to my comment. His eyes told me I'd be paying for that later, but it didn't matter. I was just happy to have lightened the mood.

From there, Harry and I left the Braffs to grab a couple drinks, and mingle with the crowd. He introduced me to a few more of his "well-known" friends, along with some executives and producers he'd worked with. He then took me over to the table tennis game that was currently in full swing, where I met some of his less famous, yet just as interesting friends.

David, a motorcycle mechanic with nearly every inch of his arms covered in tattoos, gave me a bear hug, lifting me right off the ground. "I can't believe I'm finally getting to meet you! Harry's told me so much about you!"

For the umpteenth time today, I felt myself blush. Apparently, even before we'd embarked on this new path together, Harry had talked me up to nearly everyone he'd met...

My heart melted at the thought. In most of my previous relationships, even before moving in with Harry, I was hidden, kept away from my boyfriend's friends and family. And when I did meet them, they seemed to know very little about me.

But all that was different with Harry. Each person I met greeted me like we were long lost friends, asking me about my job, things back in London, and even Max! It was as if they knew almost everything about me!

During a quiet moment after meeting even more people, taking numerous group pictures (some more candid than others), and chowing down on one of the best hot dogs I'd ever had in my life, Harry pulled me to the side.

"So? Are you having a good time? Is everyone being nice to you?"

I smiled, leaning up to give him a quick kiss. "Yes, Harry. I'm having a wonderful time. Your friends are all amazing, interesting, and sweet people. And you..."

He smiled down at me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. "Me?"

"You...have stolen my heart all over again."

His smile widened, looking very much like a child who'd just been given the green light to get the king size candy bar.

"I don't know what I did, but remind me to do it again..."

His lips met mine. "And again..."

He kissed me once more, eliciting a whistle from a few feet away.

"And again..."

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