Lie To Me-Chapter 91

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After getting home, and taking what felt like a very short nap, Harry and I collected our things.

Although our flight didn't leave until eight, with fans, paparazzi, customs, and everything else we'd be dealing with at the airport, we walked out the door shortly after five. My nerves grew with every step, the butterflies in my stomach multiplying every minute we got closer to the airport.

I jumped as Harry's fingers laced through mine, making him chuckle.

"You okay over there?"

Was I? I was definitely ready for a week away, a week in the sun, a week full of Harry. But, this surprise he had waiting for me, this reason for us going early had me nervous. Especially with my own mother refusing to share her intel...

She'd simply smiled when I'd asked, patting my hand, and telling me that Harry's birthday present would be the best gift I'd ever received. My mind went over all the options of what it could possibly be, but if I were honest with myself, I really had no clue.

"Riley? Everything okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Just mentally going over everything I packed," I lied. I wasn't going over everything I packed. I hadn't even given one thought to what I might be forgetting. But, no way was I going to tell Harry what was really going through my mind!

He laughed at my made up concerns. "You have nothing to worry about. Like I said, you should be fully stocked at the house, and if there's anything you still need, we can always go out and get it." He paused for a moment, a sly smile coming across his face. "Maybe I'll even be able to get you on my motorcycle..."

Now that made me laugh. Out loud. For about five full minutes. "You expect me to ride that thing? And just how long have you been driving it?"

Harry shot me a look as we neared the airport, "I'm a very good driver, Riley... And who knows? You may find out you like to ride..." He paused. "God knows you're good at it."


He busted into laughter as I smacked his arm, my cheeks turning about six shades darker...

* * * * *

Making our way through the airport was pure chaos. Between the paparazzi yelling out a million different questions, from the mundane to the inappropriate; fans calling out for a hug, a photo, or an autograph; and security trying to push us along despite Harry's efforts to have a moment with his fans, I began to thank him for his forethought to leave extra early.

We eventually made it to our gate, with a few minutes to spare, and I nearly collapsed into a chair that sat facing the parked plane.

"God, I'm exhausted!" My arms and legs flailed out in a dramatic show.

Harry laughed as he took a seat next to me. "Well, the good news is, we can sleep some on the plane. can. I'm not sure if my nerves will let me..."

I stopped for a moment, looking over at him, the way his fingers twitched, the way he held himself up instead of taking his usual slouch. Yeah, he was definitely nervous...


Harry didn't get nervous very often. At least not enough for it to show... But, before I could ask, he stood up, watching the attendant at the desk. "I'm gonna go see if we can just board now."

Knowing that Harry was nervous too did nothing but heighten my own nerves. If he was nervous about this trip, if he was worried...then this meant even more to him than I'd thought...

I watched as he charmed the young lady behind the desk, smiling and flirting his way to getting what he wanted, and sure enough, two minutes later he was coming back to me. "They're going to let us on now." He gave me a triumphant smile.

I smirked at him despite the knots in my stomach. "I'm sure they are..."

Harry's head tilted as he looked at me, slinging the strap of his bag over his shoulder.


A giggle escaped my lips as I gathered my things. "Nothing at all... Now, come on lover boy, let's get this show on the road."

As we made our way onto the plane and to our seats, receiving a pleasant greeting from the pilot and flight crew, one of the attendants stopped by to check on us. She was a sweet, older woman, and when she spoke, I could tell that she was imported, like me.

"Good evening! My name is Annabelle, and I'll be taking care of you all tonight, so if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask." She smiled at us both, clearly not recognizing who she was talking to. "Is this your first time flying?"

Harry and I shared a look before I leaned forward to answer her. "No, not my first time. Though Harry here is much more of a veteran than I am."

She laughed, pressing a hand to her chest. "Silly me, I should have waited to hear your voice before I said anything. You are very obviously a state-side girl like I am. So, are you two heading home from a vacation or somethin? A honeymoon perhaps?" Her eyes darted to my hand as she asked.

"Uh... We're... We're not married."

Her eyes widened when Harry spoke, probably in reaction to his accent as much as his answer, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, my! Well, now that I've gone and embarrassed myself...again...I'm gonna let you two alone to get settled. We'll be boarding here in a few minutes, and after we get in the air, I'll come around and get you all somethin to drink, okay?"

We both struggled to contain our laughter after the poor woman hurried away.

"So, my adoring wife, is there anything you need before we take off?"

I giggled before answering him. "No, my loving husband. I am positively divine."

And, I was. My nerves hadn't faded, my concerns still lied just under the surface. But for now, I was just happy to be sitting here next to Harry. No matter what his gift was, no matter what was waiting for us in L.A., just being with him was enough for me.

"Thank you, Harry."

He turned to look at me as he pulled our blankets out from under the seats in front of us.

"For what?"

"For being you."

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