Lie To Me-Chapter 162 (X)

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After checking out of the hotel, getting Ed's spare key, and making my way into his condo, I nearly collapsed on the plushy couch that greeted me from the living room. For someone who didn't have anything tying them down right now, I was exhausted. A person can only take so much drama before they completely lose it...

I knew I needed to call Ed back soon to check in, and we needed to discuss the terms of my "rent" too. I shook my head. He'd likely fight me on it, but I refused to just stay here without pulling my own weight. He was doing more than enough in giving me a place to stay! I didn't know what I could do to pay him back exactly, but I'd figure something out. I also knew I needed to start looking for another job. I needed to figure out what I was going to do to make enough to stay in London on my own. But, for now though, all I wanted was to throw my stuff in the guest room, and run a nice, hot bath. It had been what was arguably the longest day of my life, and I was more than ready for it to be over.

I'd no sooner dropped my things onto the floor of said bedroom before I heard a knocking at the door. Quietly making my way back out to the living room, my brows furrowed. It couldn't have been Ed... He had a key. Obviously there'd be no need for him to knock. And, unless one of his neighbors saw me come in, no visitors would be permitted to come up without my consent. There was a security guard at the building's entrance. You couldn't even get in the door without getting the okay from a tenant upstairs!

So, who the hell...?

"Riley, open up!"

Fuck. As if my day couldn't get any worse...

I closed my eyes. I wasn't ready for this! I wasn't ready to have those deep, green eyes piercing my soul again. I wasn't ready to hear that slow, soft voice soothing my chaotic emotions. I just wasn't ready...

Tiptoeing up to the door, I peeked through the peephole, trying to be as quiet as a mouse. Maybe if I didn't make any noise, he'd think I wasn't here yet, or that I'd left.

Dammit!! I shook my head. Harry wasn't supposed to know where I was! He wasn't supposed to be here!

Ed. I should have known he'd open his big mouth! That sneaky little redhead was so gonna get it as soon as he got home!

But, God help me, even in a panic with having to face Harry again, so soon, he was already affecting me. Just the sight of him had shivers coursing through my limbs, heat creeping up from my center. Even through the fishbowl effect of the small peephole, he was still so beautiful. Pissed as hell, apparently, but beautiful nonetheless.

"He's my best friend, Riley. Did you really think I wouldn't have my own spare key?" Harry pulled a set of what looked like a handful of house keys out of his pocket, the jingling of the metal making my breath catch in my throat. He was coming in. Whether I wanted him to, or not.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I heard him try one key, and then the next, and the next, knowing with each attempt I was coming closer and closer to facing the man I'd walked out on. The man that broke my heart. The man I loved.

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes even as I moved to unlock the deadbolt. Gripping the door handle, I took a shaky breath and pulled it open.

"Harry, I don't know why you're here. I thought I'd made myself perfectly clea..."

"Where's your stuff?" He moved past me into Ed's condo like he owned the place. His scent nearly knocking me on my ass; earthy, deep, masculine. I could almost taste the sweat that beaded on his skin, the salty liquid that was suddenly leaving me parched.

Jesus, that man had an effect on me...

Snapping out of my lustful mind, at least mostly, I turned to face him again. "What are you doing?!?"

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