Lie To Me-Chapter 15

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(Harry's POV)

I'm getting too old for this...

Sitting on a bench outside the arena, I shook my head. Who knew that at twenty years old, I'd be one of the first five people tagged out at a game of laser tag that mostly consisted of seven and eight year olds?!? And man, these kids were ruthless!! They'd tag-teamed me, and taken me down without so much as a single shot coming from my "gun."

I sent out a tweet, saying I was officially a birthday party dropout, and shut down my phone. I'd hoped to hear something from Riley, but it seems her night was going a lot better than mine...

As much as I wanted her to have a good night, the thought that she was, kind of bothered me... But, then again, Jeremy kind of bothered me... He seemed nice enough, but the man was nosy as hell, and quite rude sometimes...if you ask me. And I didn't like the way he watched her moving around in the kitchen, his eyes glued to her ass...

But, for whatever reason, Riley liked him. My thoughts strayed to her face when I'd come down from the bathroom. She'd looked disappointed, and almost...sad... I swear, if he'd done anything to upset her, I'd... Well, I don't know exactly what I would do, but it wouldn't be pretty!!

Leaning back, I let my head hit the wall behind me. What was I doing?!? I needed to go home... I needed to make sure that things were okay, that Riley was okay. Or, at least that's what I told myself as I packed up my things and said goodbye. I further justified it on the ride home, saying that I was just going to head up to my room. I wasn't even going to say hello, or interrupt their date. I'd just peek in the living room to make sure everything was okay, and go straight up.

But as I opened the front door, I paused. Aside from the kitchen light that we always left on if one of us was out, there was no light on throughout the whole first floor.

"Riley?" I whispered, trying to make my presence known without startling anyone, but I received no answer in return. Raising my voice a bit, as I walked toward the stairs, I said again, "Riley??"

Still nothing...

Getting a little worried, I checked my phone again. No text. No missed calls. No...nothing... As I reached the top of the stairs, I was about to call out again, much louder this time, when I heard a soft giggle come from down the hall. What the hell? I crept my way closer, passing my bedroom, and heard it again, followed by a soft sigh, and...a man's voice?

Oh. Oh!! Oh shit!!

As quickly, and as quietly as I could, I ran back to my room, not even breathing until I had the door shut. Oh my God... She was... And he was... They were...

Running my hands through my hair, I closed my eyes. This was such a mistake. I shouldn't have come home. I really shouldn't have come home... And now, because they didn't know I was here, I couldn't even turn on the tv, or music, or anything without scaring the crap out of both of them.

Just as I was contemplating sneaking back out the way I'd come in, I heard it; that telltale feminine moan that left nothing to the imagination... Shit...

When we'd picked out this place, we never once considered that sharing a wall between our bedrooms would mean that almost all noises would be amplified. Most of the time it wasn't an issue, since we both slept like the dead, but now... She moaned again, "Oh, God..."

Yep. Now it was an issue.

I collapsed onto my bed, nearly groaning in frustration. What was I going to do?!? I could try to leave again, but honestly, where would I go? Back to the party? Out to a bar? None of my options really sounded good... Then it hit me. Headphones!!!

Pulling open the drawer of my nightstand, I rummaged through all the junk I was always throwing in there. I knew I had a pair of headphones somewhere, I just had to...ah!! Gripping a long cord, I pulled out my set of earbuds, nearly shouting my good fortune. Quickly plugging them into my phone, I connected it to the charger, and got undressed, the continued noises from the room next door, spurring me on to move a little faster. Two minutes later, with my clothes thrown haphazardly on the floor, I climbed under the covers, putting the earbuds in, and finding some music in record time.

With the occasional interruption of a moan, or a pleasured cry to the heavens, I let the music take me under, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep...

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