Lie To Me-Chapter 14

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Locking the door behind Harry, I turned back for the kitchen. Jeremy and I needed to talk. He needed to know where I stood, and what I could, and could not accept from him.

Though, as I turned the corner, his voice stole my attention.

"Idiot... What the hell were you thinking making a joke like that?!? These people are probably her friends, and you just insulted them... Stupid! Stupid!!"

I stopped dead in my tracks as I watched him shaking his head, his hand running over his hair, and my heart melted. He wasn't focused on Harry's celebrity... He wasn't looking for a way "in," a way to use me to get what he wanted... It really had been a joke...

Making my way over to him, he spun around at the feel of my hand on his arm, and before I could say anything, he pulled me against him, his lips crashing down on mine, taking my breath away. It was a sweet kiss, but all too short as he pulled away, leaning his forehead against my own. "I'm sorry, Riley. I didn't mean to be so rude before... I just... I guess I just got nervous... I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

And from that moment on, everything seemed to lighten up. We finished making dinner together, and sat down for a comfortable meal. He asked questions about Harry and I, and told me stories of his little sister, and how obsessed she was with the band. I asked him more about his family, and told him about my own, and the journey that led me here to London. It was pretty much a perfect evening...

Getting the dishes into the washer, and putting away the leftovers, I led him into the living room.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?"

He smiled at me, his eyes lighting up as he bit his bottom lip. "Riley..."

I couldn't help but giggle at the cute way he'd said my name. "That's not a movie..."

"But it's my favorite thing to watch..."

Leaning over, his lips again found mine as he pressed me to the couch, his hard, warm body covering my own. With the movie completely forgotten, and no background noise to mask us, our voices, sighs, and moans filled the room.

"Riley... I want you..."

My breath caught at the desperation in his voice, the need laced throughout his simple words.

"Yes... Yes, Jeremy..."

And without another word, we rose from the couch, his fingers feathering over mine as I took his hand, guiding us out if the room and up the stairs.

This was it. I'd been waiting for the right moment, the right time, not wanting to rush things with him, not wanting to seem too eager. But with his admission to himself in the kitchen, I knew... It was time...

Entering my bedroom, I'd barely gotten the door closed before he was on me, grabbing me, holding me tight... And as we made our way to the bed, clothes littered the floor.

Hey, guys!!! I know that this one's kinda short, but I wanted to try to do a double update today!! Also, one of my Instagram followers informed me that something went wrong with my last chapter, but I'm able to get in and look at it fine, so please let me know if there's any problems with chapter 13!! Of course, this is with the hope that there's no problems with this chapter either... Lol!! Love you all, and thanks again for reading and voting!!! 😘😘😘

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