Lie To Me-Chapter 66

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The ploy had worked. Getting into the club had gone a lot smoother than our arrival to the restaurant, thanks to the majority of the crowd still waiting for our exit. And, according to the text from my mother, she'd actually had fun messing with the paparazzi when they'd left through the front.

It was cramped in the limo, with seven of us trying to squeeze into the seats together, but Bree seemed to enjoy it, cuddled up between Liam and Niall. Louis and Eleanor sat opposite them, with Harry and I once again along the back. I'd been disappointed that Zayn and Perrie had declined Harry's invitation, but I understood their desire to have some time alone. As much as I was having fun, enjoying everyone's company, a big part of me would have been even happier to just go home and spend the rest of the night wrapped in Harry's arms...

As we approached the private VIP area Harry'd had reserved, he wrapped his arms around me from behind, tucking me tight against him, and pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

I swear that man could read my mind...

"I hope this is okay. I know you're not huge on the club scene, but I thought it'd be fun." He swayed back and forth. "We can dance, let loose, get a little crazy..."

"Go a little wild?"

I giggled as he scoffed at me. "No... I was just saying, if you wanted to..."

I turned in his arms, letting my fingers slide up his biceps and over his shoulders. "You want to get a little wild, Harry?"

Maybe it was the dress, or the champagne, or a combination of everything that had happened that night, but I was suddenly feeling bold, and I didn't care who noticed...

He swallowed, looking around at the few pairs of eyes that were watching us. "I... But you said..."

"I know what I said," I smirked at him. "But, now that we're here... There's so many dark, hidden places in this club... So many things could happen, and no one would even know..."

Looking around again, he smiled, leaning closer. "You know what?" His fingers trailed down my spine, dipping just below the line of fabric resting on my ass. "You're absolutely right..."

"Get your hands off my woman, Potter!!"

No... Way...

Looking around Harry to see if my assumption was right, I nearly jumped out of his arms as a smiling redhead came toward me.


Leaving Harry behind, I jumped in his arms, laughing as he swung me around. When he finally set me down, my head still spun. "What are you doing here?!?"

"Well, a little bird told me it was mandatory attendance to celebrate a certain young beauty..." He flicked my nose. "How are you doing, love?"

With a quick glance back at Harry, telling him I knew exactly what "bird" had opened his big mouth, I caught up with Ed, congratulating him on his album, and a few of his recent performances. It had been ages since I'd seen him, but out of the plethora of Harry's friends, the boys aside, Ed was my favorite. He was closer to my age, with a quick wit, and a love of life that seemed to mirror Harry's. He was also one of the kindest people I'd ever met.

"Well, if you're good, maybe I'll have a little birthday song played for you later..." He laughed as I clapped my hands together.

"Yes! Yes, I've been very good!!" I turned to Harry, pasting a big smile on my face, "Haven't I?"

He paused, seemingly thinking things over. "Well..."

Ed snickered as my jaw dropped. "You have to think about this?!?"

"Yes, I do. On the one hand, you've been very...very good. And yet, on the other hand, you've been a bit of a distraction lately..." A smile pulled at his lips. "It's been hard for me to concentrate on work..."

Before I could protest, Ed smiled, speaking up. "So... Distracting Harry at work, huh? I'd say that means that yes, you have been good." He winked at me as I laughed in victory, leaving Harry with a shocked look on his face. Heading over to say hello to the boys, he slapped Harry's arm as he passed by. "What can I say, man? You work too hard..."

Still giggling, I moved to stand in front of Harry, once again resting my arms on his shoulders, his hands coming to hold my hips.

"So, I've been distracting you at work, huh?"

He licked his lips. "Yes, you have... A lot..."

"Good." I bit mine in return. "Cause you've surely been distracting me... Ever since we..."

"Made love," he finished for me.

"Yes. Ever since we made love, I can't stop thinking about it...about you... The way you move above me...inside me. The way that little vein in your neck throbs when you're getting really turned on..." I leaned up close to his ear, letting my lips ever so softly brush his lobe. "Like it is now..."

He shuddered, "Riley... I don't want to make you mad, but, I can't do this anymore..."

I pulled back, confused, and a little scared. "Can't do what?"

"Stop myself..."

With a groan of defeat, his lips came down on mine...hard. His fingers dug into my hips, holding me against his body. I could feel the hard, heavy length of him pressing low on my stomach as he rocked against me. And as I felt the all too familiar burn of desire, I gave into his kiss, his rhythmic movements, forgetting anything and everything around us.

All I could hear was the pounding of my heart, our mingled breaths as we stole small gasps of air through our kisses. All I could see was a heavenly darkness, clouding my vision, making the world disappear. All I could feel was his body, warm and hard, melding to my soft curves. And all I could taste was Harry...

"I'm going to kick both your asses!"

Once again halted by a familiar voice, Harry groaned as we pulled away from each other, all swollen lips and broken breaths. "Oh, come on!!!"

I giggled at his frustration, wiping the remnants of my lipstick from his bottom lip.

Before long, Gemma came into view. "How could you?!? Who has been the one to help you both through all of this crap, and you couldn't even tell me you were together now?!?"

"That would be her..." Harry graciously called me out, as he positioned himself behind me.

I glared at him for a quick moment before turning to face Gemma. "Coward..."

With her hands on her hips she looked like an angry mother, waiting for an explanation as to why her favorite vase is broken. "Well? Get with it, Lee..."

I took a deep breath. I knew Gemma wasn't really angry with us, but given all she'd done to help me out, and apparently Harry too, I figured she may feel a little left out not knowing about the whole thing...

"Okay, I'm going to be completely honest here. Yes, Harry and I are...together. Kind of."

"Kind of?"

"Well, we haven't really discussed it, so I don't know what to label it as. So, until we know what to call this, we're not really telling anyone..."

A smile curved her lips as she looked above my head. "Ohh..."

Flattening my mouth, I elbowed Harry's ribs, making him cough. "And that's enough out if the peanut gallery..." I turned my attention back to Gemma. "I promise you, though. Once we figure it all out, you'll be one of the first to know. Okay?"

Laughing at her injured brother, she pulled me in for a hug. "Okay. Just remember when you're my sister-in-law, that you owe me."

I giggled into her hair as we hugged, and shook my head. "You're getting WAY ahead of us here, Gem..."

"Uh huh..."

She dropped her voice to a near whisper and added, "I told you that dress would work..."

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