Lie To Me-Chapter 117

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(Harry's POV)

Riley's eyes focused on the dashboard in front of her, and my mouth went dry. I should have lied. I should have just told her some stupid story. I knew the truth was going to be painful. Hell, it was painful just admitting it...

But I couldn't just lie to her. Not about this. Not when she had asked me for the truth.

Yes, at first glance, Ari had been just my type. Just like my exes. Just like every single woman I'd developed feelings for over the years. Just like every single woman who had ever hurt me, or messed with my head...


The smallness of her voice nearly broke my heart in half, and it took everything I had to not pull off on the side of the road just so I could hold her. But, somehow I managed to keep myself on the road, my hands gripping the steering wheel tight.


"If that is your type... Then why...? Why are you"

A part of me knew that question was coming, but the insecurity in Riley's words, the way she'd approached it, defeated and sad, had me pulling into the nearest parking lot, throwing the car in park, and turning off the ignition.

I turned to her, her eyes wide with surprise. "What are you...?"

"I can't have this conversation while driving."

"Oh." She nodded in understanding, and I reached for her hands, the cool feel of her skin making me ache to wrap her up in my arms...

"I'm with you because I love you, Riley. Because you are what my heart needs. You are what I need."

"But...I'm not..."

"My type? I thank God you're not my type. I thank God every day that you're you; sweet, silly, caring and kind, confident and unsure at the same time, complex, beautiful, and yes...short." Her slight smile gave me hope that I hadn't messed everything up yet again.

"I will admit to you, Riley, when we first met, became friends, and moved in together, I told myself that you were safe...that I didn't have to worry about falling for you, cause you weren't my type. But, little did I know, I'd already fallen. My heart had already found you; not some woman who seemed to be what I was looking for, that seemed to fit into the mold of what my type would be, but the type of woman I hadn't dared to dream of. The woman who would compliment me perfectly. The woman who would make me a better man, a better person. The woman who would love me the way no other had before. It just took my brain a little while to catch up with what my heart already knew."

Tears gathered behind her eyes, and I pulled her closer, needing to feel her heartbeat against mine, needing the soft strength she always gave me. "My tastes have changed, Riley. My type is not what it used to be. What I want, is you. You're all I could ever want, and you're all I could ever need. I love you."

"I love you."

Tilting her head up to me, our lips met, a gentle caress so perfect it felt as if time itself stopped to give us that moment. And as I reluctantly let her pull away, moving back into her seat, I smiled at her fingers once again intertwining with my own.

"Let's go home, Harry."

With my heart almost bursting with love for this incredible, understanding, courageous woman beside me, I did just that. I drove us home. Back to our sanctuary, where we could just be love. No one around to interrupt us. No one there to make us question ourselves, our relationship, or our feelings. No one stepping out from the dark shadows of our past.

As we pulled into the neighborhood, I glanced over, a smile already playing on my lips. "You know, you still have to collect on your winnings..."

She turned to me in confusion, "Huh? What winnings? I left after the first round, remember?"

I couldn't help but smile as I shook my hips in my seat, best I could...a suave Latin dancer. "Your lap dance?"

"Oh my God..." She burst into sudden laughter, a sound that played like music to my ears.

"I completely forgot about that!"

Note: Hello my loves!! I know this chapter is quite short, but I wanted to give a little taste of things from Harry's perspective before our favorite OTP got back home. For those of you that were dying at the end of chapter 116, I hope this was able to put a smile on your face! I love you all, and I hope you're having a great start to another great week!! ❤️

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