Lie To Me-Chapter 19

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After our somewhat awkward, and not so great morning, Harry and I ended up having a pretty good day. With the rain falling outside, we decided to stay in, spending the day catching up on some of our favorite shows on Netflix, and just being all-around lazy.

Finishing our fourth tv show in a row, Harry headed for the kitchen to make some popcorn while I searched for a movie. He'd still seemed kind of distant, but thankfully things had pretty much gone back to normal from this morning. Though I was even more convinced now that something was wrong. Something was eating at him, and it killed me that he felt like he couldn't share it. He's my best friend... He should be able to tell me anything...

Maybe it had to do with the house... Buying a home was a big deal, and an even bigger investment, yet we hadn't even really talked about it since he'd gotten home. Just a few tidbits here and there. Maybe he was dealing with some buyer's remorse, or maybe he was worried about people finding out where it was.

Maybe he'd met somebody... He'd sworn up and down that there had been no girl here last night, but he'd turned bright red when I'd teased him about his nightly activities... Just cause she wasn't "here," didn't mean they couldn't have been doing "other" things... But, he hadn't said anything about meeting somebody new...

Pulling out my phone, I quickly checked Twitter and Instagram to see what the girls were talking about. If anybody could get the scoop on Harry, it was his fans. Aside from some shots of Harry, and even some of the both of us during our day out, it was pretty much the usual... Edits, promos, follower requests, and tweets about the upcoming tour. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Taking a moment to accept new followers, and even follow some back, I locked it, and put it back down.

"Tell me I didn't just see what I think I saw..."

I jumped at the sound of his voice, nearly dropping the remote. "What? I was just looking for a movie." I clicked a few times on the remote for good measure, scrolling through more options.

He laughed as he came in, stepping down from the landing and placing the popcorn on the coffee table on his way to the couch.

"Uh huh... You, missy, were on your phone..."

I feigned shock, pressing a hand to my chest. "What?!? I would never!!!"

"Uh huh. So, you're telling me if I checked Twitter, I wouldn't see any activity from you?" He laughed, nudging me with his knee as he got comfortable beside me.

He was being so silly, so...normal, that I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd been checking up on him. Well, checking up on him through his fans... "Okay, okay. You got me."

Giving me a face, he shook his finger at me. "Shame shame... Silly Riley... Don't you know by now that I always find out when you're doing something you shouldn't be?" Changing topics before I could reply, he faced the tv. "So, what are we watching?"

Crap... In my search for finding out what was wrong with him, I'd barely even looked for a movie to watch! Doing a quick scroll, something caught my eye in the Kids Movies category. "Oh!!! This one!!! Please!!! I love this movie!!"

He looked from the screen to me, and back again. "Seriously? Sleeping Beauty? Haven't we seen this like sixty times by now?"

I pouted. was my favorite...

Laying his head back on the couch he groaned at my attempt to silently beg him to relent. "Fine... Just don't get mad if I fall asleep halfway through."

Clicking on it, and pressing play, I laughed. "Yeah, right. Like you don't love this as much as I do."

With his eyes closed, he smiled. "I only watch it cause I like the fairies... And Maleficent is hot..."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

But, he hadn't lied... Less than twenty minutes into the movie, Harry was passed out, snoring softly against my shoulder from where he'd slumped over. Getting uncomfortable with the dead weight against my arm, I shifted, pressing against the back cushion and allowing him to fall into my lap. Once there, he maneuvered himself into a more comfortable position, mumbling incoherently.

I gently slid his hair back, out of his face, softly stroking his head as I played with it. Poor Harry... Something was definitely going on, and was big enough that it had kept him up all night, made him so utterly exhausted that he couldn't even relax without falling asleep. I just wished he would talk to me, and stop carrying this burden on his own...

I don't know if it was the emotion welling up inside me, the rhythmic way I continued to stroke Harry's hair, or the movie that I had in fact seen hundreds of times, but before I knew it, I too was asleep, drug into a dream world of dragons, dancing, and singing about a love that existed before anyone even knew it was there...

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