Lie To Me-Chapter 123

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(Harry's POV)

Waking up, I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful woman sleeping beside me, her head tucked in against my shoulder. My sweet, loving, perfect Riley...

It killed me to think of everything she'd gone through in the last twenty-four hours. Hell, even the last week... With all that we'd had to encounter, it was surprising she was still with me at all. But, I loved her for it. I loved every single piece of her.

I leaned down to press a kiss to her head, and she stirred, her eyes coming open, a gentle smile already in place.

"Good morning, Harry."

"Good morning, angel."

Her cheeks tinted in that adorable way they always did when I'd call her by something other than her name, and she giggled.

Rolling over to my side, I played with her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Riley took her bottom lip between her teeth. I didn't think it could be possible, but she was even more beautiful than she was last night. Her hair was tousled and tangled into a big mess, traces of her make-up still shown on her face, her bright eyes shining in the morning light...


Not giving her a chance to really respond, I pulled her under me, tangling the sheets around us.

"Did you sleep well?" I leaned down to kiss her as she smiled up at me, her laughter barely contained. "Have any good dreams you'd like to share?" I kissed her again, and again, and again, each time asking whatever random question that popped into my head until she was laughing out loud beneath me. It was music to me ears...

Her phone buzzed on the nightstand beside us, interrupting one of my favorite moments in time. "Don't even think about it..." I challenged her as her eyes moved in the direction of her phone.

"I wasn't...doing anything."

I smirked at her look of innocence, knowing all too well that she was itching to see who'd just texted her. "Uh huh..." My fingers contracted against her sides. "But you wanted to."

Riley squealed in laughter as my hands continued to tickle her sides, her body writhing under mine in her attempts to get away.


"Admit it, love... You were reaching for that phone... Even while in bed with me," I scoffed through my teasing, "I should be offended..."

Breathlessly tossing her head back, after a few more minutes of torture, she finally gave in. "Okay! Okay! Yes, I was reaching for the phone. But, only because it might be Bree telling me that she'd landed."

"I knew it!"

Intertwining my fingers with hers, I brought her hands up next to her face, pinning her down. "Bad girl, Riley... You know what happens to bad girls, don't you?"

She smiled up at me, challenge evident in her eyes, even as I held her down, my body pressing against hers as her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths.

"Tell me, oh dangerous one... What happens to bad girls?"

My brow raised at her, my body hardening with desire. "They get bit..."

Riley's laughter echoed in the room as I attacked her neck, nibbling on her, sucking her delicate skin between my teeth. I knew I was marking her, and the thought nearly sent me over the edge. Just picturing Riley, walking around, her hair thrown up into a messy bun, the evidence of my love and desire blatantly displayed on her neck had me hard as stone...


I heard the hitch in her voice, felt her fingers tighten around mine, and with a final open-mouth kiss to the now heated, wet, marred spot on her skin, I lifted my head.

"Yes, my love?"

She smirked up at me, despite the heat in her eyes, the shallow heaviness of her breaths.

"And you said you didn't bite..." She tsked. "Liar liar..."

Laughing, I leaned down to press my lips to hers, tasting heaven. "I may not be wearing pants, but yeah, I am definitely on fire..."

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