Lie To Me-Chapter 163 (X)

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(Harry's POV)

Riley stared up at me, confusion and desire written on her face. But, I needed a minute. I needed this moment to take it all in.

She was laying there, not two feet away from me. My angel, just waiting to welcome me into the heaven of her arms. I didn't want to rush this. I wanted to savor it, to hold onto it forever as the moment we came back together, the moment we became one again.

Sure, there was a part of me that was worried, a small part that wondered if I was going about this the wrong way. But, how could it be wrong when it felt more right than anything else in my life? If there was anyway I was going to get Riley back, for good, this was it. I had to show her the passion, the connection, the love that existed between us. I had to show her that it wasn't a lie. WE were real.


My name on her lips brought a smile to my face, and I let myself move forward. "Scoot back, love."

Her brows came down for a moment, but she did as I asked. Sure, I could have taken her standing at the edge of the bed. Lord knows I'd done it before. But, not this time. This time I wanted to cover her completely, to connect our bodies from head to toe. And never let go...

Riley worked her way up on her elbows as I climbed on the bed, making my way to her, her smile and the slight bite to her lip making it more than difficult to go slow. But, I was determined.

I reveled in the way her legs laid open to me, the sweet scent of her arousal surrounding me, her moist center glistening like a beacon in the night. If at all possible, I grew harder at the sight...

And as I laid over her, her breasts, her soft belly pressing against my skin, her wet heat teasing my length, I groaned. She giggled.

My eyes snapped down at the beauty beneath me. "And just what is so funny?"

Riley bit her lip, trying not to smile. "You sound like you do when you see your bed for the first time after you get home from tour."

I thought about it for a moment, the side of my mouth curling. She wasn't wrong. "I guess that's just the sound I make when I'm finally home..."

Her laughter faded, her eyes misting over. "Harry... I..."

Tilting my hips in further, I increased the pressure on her core, effectively altering the pained look in her eyes to one of coming pleasure. The gasp she took as she instinctively arched against me made my smile widen. And as I pressed myself in, feeling her soft heat stretch around me, it was my turn to gasp...

Riley's lips parted, her mouth falling open as her head tilted back. A soft moan rose from her throat, and I watched as she struggled to maintain her breathing.

Pulling back, I buried my face in the crook of her neck, letting the soft scent of her skin invade my senses before burying myself again. My teeth grazed a delicate spot.


All I could do was moan in response; the desire, the need, the pure ecstasy of coming undone in Riley's arms was simply too strong. Her fingers tangled in my hair as she rocked beneath me, matching my every move, meeting my every thrust.

Sweat dampened my brow as I struggled to hold back, to keep an even pace. I didn't want to rush through this. I didn't want it to be over too soon. But, God help me, I was already there, barreling toward oblivion.

Riley's soft moans and gentle pleas filled my head, playing over and over again as I rocked against her; pulling out, pushing in, building up the pressure, feeling her tighten around me.

"Fuck, Riley..."

"Harry... I... I... God..."

I sucked at her neck, the muscles beneath my lips pulling tight, her body stiffening. And just as I bit down, marking her, claiming her as my own, she broke. "Oh God... Fu... Harry!" Her hips tilted, lifting off the bed as her body milked me; squeezing, pulling, rhythmically pulsating around me.

Shaking beneath me, Riley's orgasm traveled through her. I could feel every inch, every spasm, every subtle tremor. Lifting my head, I paused, unable to look away. God, she was beautiful... Her cheeks were tinted, her eyes bright, her lips wet and swollen from biting down.

"I love you."

The words were out of my mouth before I even had the thought to say them.

"I love you, Riley."

She shook her head, her forehead creasing. "Harry..."

Fear and panic rose up my spine, and I did the only thing I could think to do to keep her from breaking me apart. I slammed home...

"Fuck!" Sensitive, and likely exhausted, Riley grabbed at my arms, her eyes going wide.

"I love you."

Pulling back, I did it again, her gasp sounding in my ears.

"I love you."

"Harry, please... I..."

I shook my head. I couldn't hear her say it. Not now. Not while I was buried so deep, feeling every soft inch of her body pressed to mine. Not while I could still feel the slight shiver in her bones, the sweet aftermath of our love...

"I love you."

Like a madman driven insane I repeated myself over and over again, every thrust punctuated with those three little words, pouring straight from my heart.

Our eyes locked. Sadness and pain filling her gaze, fear and anguish filling mine.

And as we moved together, Riley stiffened again. Her breath caught in her throat, her body telling me all I needed to know as I made my final vow. "I love you, Riley. I always will." Leaning down, I kissed her lips, swallowing her cries as she clung to me, her nails digging into my skin.

Seconds later I was joining her there, filling her as we soared together into oblivion; our bodies contracting in time, pulsing as one single entity, one single heartbeat.

I rode her slowly as the eruption calmed, making soft, shallow thrusts before allowing myself to fall from her gentle heat. And as I lifted myself away from the love of my life, my muscles straining, I saw the streaks of tears falling from her eyes.

A new panic took hold.

"Riley?!? Oh, my God. Riley, did I hurt you?!? Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I..." My hands went everywhere at once, checking, feeling, needing to know that she was okay.

She let out a watery giggle as I pulled her to my chest, hugging her tight. "No... No, I'm fine, Harry. You didn't hurt me. I did this to myself. I just... Harry... That was..."

Please don't say it was a mistake. Please don't say it was a mistake. I closed my eyes, mentally preparing to have my heart ripped from my chest...again.

"That..." She sighed, tilting her head back to meet my gaze.

"That was...perfect."

Note: Hello my beautiful babes!! It has taken me ages, but I am back with a new update!! A lot has happened since the last one. Some of it good, some not so good, but with everything going on in my personal life, I wasn't able to do much in the form of writing. Unfortunately, It's likely to be crazy for me for a while to come, but I promise you I will do my best to not let such a long time go between updates anymore! I love you guys, and I thank you so much for sticking with me through everything!!

All the love. ❤️

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