Lie To Me-Chapter 7

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Though there was no way I could ever really overpower Harry, I was proud of myself for giving him a run for his money; eventually causing him to fall off the bed, landing on the floor in a heap with my comforter tangled around his legs.

Unfortunately, in doing so, I'd effectively lost my covers, the cool morning air like ice on my exposed legs.

"Okay, now that I've won, give me my covers back."

He raised his brows, a smirk on his face as he untangled himself. "Go take a shower."

"Covers first..."

"Shower first..."

Seeing the determination in his eyes, I groaned and gave up. There was no way I was going to win this battle... Once a Styles got an idea in their head, there was no going back. Last Halloween, after Gemma had convinced me to dress up as Harry, she'd insisted on doing my "temporary tattoos"... Little did I know that the black Henna marker she'd bought was considered permanent... I ended up with a freakin butterfly on my stomach for weeks!!!

"Okay, okay, you win. I'll go get ready..."

The next thing I knew, my comforter was landing in my lap, narrowly missing my face as Harry ran out of my room, "Great!! I'll see you downstairs in twenty!"

I was still shaking my head at him as I grabbed a towel and headed for my bathroom. If someone met that boy, knowing nothing about him, they wouldn't believe for a second that he was twenty years old...

Stepping under the warm spray of the shower, my thoughts traveled to this morning, and the way he'd been watching me sleep... Well, watching me lay there... I was already too awake to go back to sleep that fast. But, the look on his face... It was as if he'd been caught in a trance, staring unfocused at my mouth. An involuntary shiver ran up my spine, and I increased the heat of the water. It was probably nothing... Just Harry being Harry... But even as I finished with my shower, I couldn't get the nagging thought out of my head that something wasn't right... Outside of that single moment he'd been completely normal, the usual Harry. But, in those seconds, as he watched me, he'd looked sort of...lost...

Standing in front of the mirror, I rolled my eyes at myself. "Relax, Riley... Don't go making problems where there are none..."

Thirty minutes later, as I headed down the stairs, I heard the tapping of his boot against the tiled floor. "Took you long enough..."

"Says the man who's late for everything..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Grabbing my hand, he practically pulled me out the door and down the stairs.

Heading out of the building's main entrance, we'd gotten no more than two doors down before hearing the first scream. "Oh my God!!! It's Harry Styles!!!"

I looked around frantically. "What?!? Where?!?"

Though he laughed along with me, Harry graciously stopped for the small group of girls, taking pictures, signing whatever they put in front of him, and giving thanks left and right as he was showered with complements.

When they'd finally gotten their fill, the girls thanked him and moved on, gushing to each other about their "better than life experience" and going crazy on their phones, already sharing their pictures with the world.

I stood from where I'd moved away from the crowd, and waited for him, watching his hair blow in the breeze. "You really do need a haircut..."

He laughed, "I heard you last night."

"Yeah, but it's really getting bad!! Where's Lou? Is she in town?"

"If it's that bad, you know you could always give me a trim..." His dimples popped as he gave me a cheeky smile.

Did he think I was crazy?!? "Harry, you and I both know that Lou would have my head if I even touched your hair... I may love the woman, but she scares the hell out of me when it comes to you guys..."

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