Lie To Me-Chapter 2

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(Harry's POV)

Opening my eyes to the smiling face of a stewardess, I blinked, momentarily forgetting where I was.

"Mr. Styles. We've landed, and we'll be at the gate in a few minutes."

Oh. Right. I was coming home. Excitement bubbled up inside me as I thanked her and gathered my things. Home... God, I couldn't wait to set foot back in London. LA had been nice, the weather nearly perfect, but I was tired of staying with friends, living out of a suitcase, sleeping in hotel rooms. I just wanted my own bed, in my own room, with all the things I loved the most surrounding me. That had been the basis for this trip. I'd set out to find a place, somewhere I could set down roots, somewhere I could stay during the many trips and visits to the states...

And I'd found it. A beautiful house surrounded by lush greenery, with more than enough room for me and any guests I'd want with me. Like Riley. Man, she'd love it there... Though it would probably take the national guard to remove her from the pool... It always boggled my mind that for a girl who loved swimming and sun so much, she'd decided to move to London... But then again, she was an odd sort. I guess that's why we worked so well together. We were both complete idiots... My lips curled as I thought about her...well, her and Millie. My girls... Riley would probably kill me if she ever heard me say that. The silly woman was so hell-bent on making sure people didn't get the wrong idea about us. Probably because it hurt her chances with the guys... Shaking my head, I laughed. If she thought it was bad before, she'd be begging me to leave if she knew what was in store... It didn't matter that she was a few years older than me. It didn't matter that she wasn't related by blood. Riley was my sister, and it was my job to look out for her, to filter through all the jerks that just weren't good enough.

As we pulled up to the gate, people started standing, gathering their things to get ready for the mad dash off the plane. First class did have it's perks though, I smiled while looking around. I'd be one of the first ones off.

Tossing the strap of my bag over my shoulder, I stood as they opened the hatch, ready to take advantage of my long legs to get me through customs as quickly as possible. Being high-profile because of my job helped too. They'd pretty much recognized me now, and zipped me through every time.

Coming out the other side, I walked toward the waiting area, spotting her before she noticed me. Her usually long brown hair was tossed up into a messy bun, tendrils sticking out everywhere. I watched, my smile widening as her gaze darted from the arrivals list, to her phone, and back again before she looked up toward me. Recognition lit the hint of gold in her eyes as she jumped up.


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