Lie To Me-Chapter 80

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(Harry's POV)

Opening my eyes to the muted light of morning, I looked down at the beautiful woman curled up next to me. Her soft lashes were resting gently against her cheeks, her lips slightly parted to accommodate her deep, even breaths.

A smile played on my face as I watched her sleeping, and I brought my hand up to cover hers as it rested on my chest.

How was it possible that I'd been so lucky to find someone like Riley? And how did it take me so long to realize what I'd had in front of me all along?

She stirred next to me, burrowing her body closer to mine as she slowly opened her eyes. After a few confused blinks, she looked my way, the immediate tilt of her lips making my heart skip a beat.

"Good morning, beautiful."

The initial smile I'd received quickly morphed into a full pout, and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"What's wrong?"

"I fell asleep..."

"Passed out, is more like it."

She groaned, pressing her forehead to my chest, my continued chuckles causing her to bounce slightly. "You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?" Pulling her closer to my side, I laughed out loud. "Now what kind of man would I be if I did that?"

Riley lifted her head and looked at me, her bright eyes shining with hope.

"A nice one?"

Laughing yet again, I pulled her over me, nearly groaning as she instinctively straddled my lap, her naked body covering mine, planting all kinds of fun ideas in my brain.

"Well... You could make it up to me..." I let my hands trail down her sides, loving the way her breath caught as I gripped her hips, holding her still to lift my own off the bed, bringing us even closer together. My entire body hardened at the feel of her wet heat against me... It seemed that Riley was always like this. Always so wet, so warm, so ready...for me... And I reveled in it.

With a smirk tilting her mouth, Riley ground against me, whispering near my lips, "How can I make it up to you, Harry?" and I nearly lost control. God, that woman was a danger to my sanity, and based on the look in her eyes before she kissed me, she knew it.

But before I could search my clouded brain for a somewhat clever, or witty response, a rhythmic chime stole our attention away from the way our naked bodies were so perfectly aligned.

It was the damn front door! I closed my eyes in irritation. Who on God's green earth would need to come to our house this early on a fucking Saturday?!?

The bell rang again. My groan at the persistent interruption was loud and long, causing Riley to erupt in giggles as she laid above me.

"Maybe they'll go away..."

We waited in silence, barely moving, barely breathing until the damn chime went off again, three times in a row... Whoever it was, they were not giving up.

With grumbled obscenities, I helped Riley off me, moving to sit on the edge of my bed, the evidence of my morning arousal jutted out insistently from my lap.


Shaking my head, I nearly jumped as a pair of soft hands came around me from behind, teasing the skin on my abdomen, making it even harder to get my body under control. As the chime went off yet again, Riley pressed a wet kiss to the side of my neck. "Whoever is down there, get rid of them... I have plans for you this morning, and it does not involve a third party."

With newfound interest, I stood, quickly throwing on the boxers I'd worn last night, not caring that they did little to conceal my need, and headed toward my bedroom door.

Taking one last look back at the smiling woman kneeling in the middle of my bed, I paused. My God, she was beautiful...

"Hurry up, Harry. Don't make me start without you..."

And with that, I took off at a near run, eager to be rid of whoever was now insistently banging on the front door.

Breathing heavy from coming down the stairs two at a time, and nearly tripping twice, I quickly unlocked the door, swinging it open, ready to kill the person on the other side.

"What the hell do you want?!?"

The wide eyes that greeted me from the other side blinked a few times before raking over my nearly naked body.

"I... Um... I came to apologize to you and Riley for last night." Lifting a bag from her side, Bree gave me an embarrassed smile. "I brought donuts..."

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