Lie To Me-Chapter 38

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(Harry's POV)

Seconds after Riley walked out if the room, I collapsed against the wall. That was close... Too close... She'd almost heard everything!! From our discussing plans for her birthday party, to Louis opening his big mouth about just how much I loved her...

I ran a hand through my hair. "We have got to be more careful... She can't know about the surprises. ANY of them... Any discussion from here on out has to be done through text. Got it?"

The boys nodded their heads in unison before gathering their things for the showers. Beating Liam by a hair, Louis darted into the bathroom attached to the gym, his laughter echoing in the confined space as he shut the door.

"Ass!" Liam smacked the door, and turned around. "I guess that means I get the other one..." He ignored my snicker as he passed by, heading out in search of the other main-floor bathroom.

Taking a moment to collect myself, I left too, making my way down the hall. As I neared the stairs, I couldn't stop from peeking into the kitchen. There she was. My beautiful, sweet Riley... Mine... God, how I wanted that to be true. I kept reminding myself to wait, to hold off until her birthday party. But it was getting harder and harder not to just spill it all now, not to just take her into my arms the way I wanted to, and tell her how I felt. That I wanted her...all of be mine...

It's like I'd gotten accepted to the X-Factor all over again, only I couldn't tell anyone. I couldn't share my excitement, my fear, my nerves. I had to keep it to myself. Well, my friends, my mum, and myself...

Unaware that she was being watched, Riley bent to put a tray into the oven, and I had to bite my lip to stay quiet. I wanted that too... To be allowed to touch, to taste every inch of her delicate skin. To learn all the special places on her body that would make her gasp with a single stroke, a simple kiss, a soft lick.

Shaking my head, I willed my body to ignore the reaction I was having to my thoughts. Friday... I just had to make it to Friday... Then, it would all come out.

But what if she doesn't want you? What if she doesn't feel the same? She'd once said that she'd never date somebody famous... Well, guess what? That's exactly what you are...

Glaring at my subconscious for it's horrible timing, and discouraging comments, I headed up the stairs to my room. I couldn't let the fear of rejection stop me, I could not let myself be deterred from my plans. If she felt even an ounce of what I felt for her, I'd be the happiest man on the planet.

I just had to make her understand. To make her see... We were already perfect together, she'd said so herself, and if she'd just give me a chance, we could become so much more...

Stepping into the shower, I wondered at what her reaction would be. Would she be happy? Angry? Upset? Surely she'd be shocked, but what would she think about the fact that her best friend had gone and fallen for her? That I couldn't get her out of my mind? That I couldn't stop picturing the two of us together? God... To think, less than a week ago, I hadn't even realized these feelings existed... Well, I guess in a way I had, I just didn't see it.

The whole time I'd been in LA, every house I'd looked at, I'd wondered what she would think about it. I'd considered her needs and her likes and dislikes as much as my own. For instance, the house had to have a pool. Sure, I liked swimming as much as the next guy, but Riley was practically a fish. Get her in a pool on a sunny day, and you couldn't tear that woman out of the water... I'd made sure that the kitchen was up-to-date, with all the latest appliances, and plenty of space for all of her many gadgets. Again, I liked to cook, but Riley... Riley loved it. I made sure the place had enough closet space, and a shaded area with space for a garden simply because she'd always wanted one.

At the time, I hadn't thought anything of it, hadn't thought there was meaning behind my considerations. I'd just wanted Riley to love it as much as I did. But, looking back on it now, I guess I knew even then... I wasn't looking at a house for my future, but for ours. Riley was a part of my life, and she wasn't going anywhere.


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