Lie To Me-Chapter 127

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"Bree, I'm not pregnant!!"

She stopped in mid happy dance, her smile quickly turning to a pout. "You're not?"

I giggled at how much she reminded me of Harry right now, and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "No, I'm not. I take a pill every day to keep that from happening."


My giggle turned to laughter as Max came running up, already excited to see what all the commotion had been about. Bending down, I scooped him up, his little body shaking in my arms, his tail going a mile a minute.

I pressed a kiss to his head. "For now, this little bundle of energy is all the 'kids' we need."

It was kind of surreal talking about this with Bree. As little girls we'd talked about this stuff for hours on end. The kind of man we were going to marry, the places we wanted to live, how many kids we wanted to have... But, being with Harry, thinking about OUR future, OUR children, talking about it as if it was sure to happen.

I'd never seen this coming...

The three of us turned to go back in, heading for the kitchen, my mind going over the images that flashed like photographs. Harry holding our child, a tiny baby securely wrapped in his arms, his eyes alight with love and wonder at what we'd created. I pictured him sitting at the coffee table in the living room, playing tea with our little girl, a sparkly tiara placed crookedly on his head.

Bree's laughter filtered in, breaking up the happy thoughts.

I turned to where she'd taken a seat at the table. "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

She laughed harder. "I'd asked you how the week was going, but you were too busy humming to yourself..."

I was humming?

"I was not." Giving her my back, I went back to the task at hand, scooping coffee into the machine on the counter.

"Yes, you were... You want a baby don't you? I put the thought in your head, and now you can't think of anything else."

"Not true. I was thinking of... Of... Something else."

Laughing even harder, she scooted back her chair, coming up to join me. "Uh huh... Sure..."

"Shut up." I nudged her with my shoulder, unable to hide the smile on my face.

"Hey, at least with him you know you'll have the money to take care of your kids. Even if you'd probably be doing it on your own..."


My smile faded as I looked at her. "That's not true. Harry would be a great father; loving, attentive. He would be there for his children. He would be there for me."

Her hands came up in mock surrender at the serious look on my face. "I didn't mean anything by it. I'm just saying... You have to think about it logically. He tours, what, eight months out of the year? How much time is he going to have for your kids when he's off traveling the world?"

And just like that, all my happy thoughts went up in smoke...

"Two seconds ago, you were all excited about the thought of me being pregnant, and now you're trying to warn me against having kids with him?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry... I'm not saying anything, really. I just... I want you to be happy, Riley. You deserve someone who is going to be there. Every day."

"Well, he is. So, thanks."

I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to have her go back into the same lecture she'd given me before, warning me against our relationship. Harry made me happy. I loved him. And that's all that mattered to me.

As if he'd sensed the sudden tension in the room, I heard Harry's footsteps coming down the hall. Max jumped up from where he'd been laying by my feet to run to him, and honestly, I wanted to do the same thing...

"Maxie!" He laughed as Max yapped at him in excited response. "Is mommy letting you help her in the kitchen?"

Finishing up with the coffee, Bree and I both turned to see him come in, a happy puppy dancing around his feet.

"Hi Harry!" Bree's voice was loud and high pitched, as if she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't have.

He gave her a polite smile as he walked toward us. "Hi, Bree. How was your flight?"

Although she'd begun to answer him, his eyes turned to me. Her voice faded in my mind as his features changed, his smile becoming more predatory, his eyes darkening.

Oh my... Apparently that quick shower had rejuvenated more than his energy levels...

Shivers ran up my spine as his hands came to rest on my hips, his fingers flexing against me. "Riley..."

I bit my lip. "Harry..."

Leaning in, a smirk planted firmly on his face, his lips pressed to mine. A sigh broke in my throat, and my hands came up to grip the soft cotton of his t-shirt, my mind completely oblivious to the audience standing not even a foot away.


Reality crashed in when Bree spoke, and I quickly pulled away, my cheeks heating at the display we'd just put on for our guest. Harry chuckled at my embarrassment, licking his lips, "I just wanted to let you know the shower's free."

My brain struggled to focus after being mangled by Harry's commanding mouth, his secure hold...

Shower? What's a shower?

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