Lie To Me-Chapter 78

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After dropping Liam and Niall off, silence once again descended over the limo as we headed home.

My mind was still reeling over the events of the evening. I should be ecstatic, over the moon with happiness... I should be wrapped around Harry right now, riding the waves of pleasure and promise we'd began in the club...

But even with the gorgeous way his sweaty hair had broken into curls framing his face, even with the intoxicating warm scent that seemed to seep from his pores, my mind just couldn't let go of Bree.

Her jealousy, and attachment issues aside, I was really shaken by her comments of Harry and I being a joke. Yes, she was drunk, and I knew Harry well enough to know he wasn't just using me for sex, though that did seem to be our activity of choice recently, but I couldn't help but wonder... Is that how people saw us? Is that how people would look at us, and our newfound more-than-friendship? Was it that crazy to think of us...together?

Shaking me from my thoughts, Harry gently touched my arm. "Hey... We're home."

I looked around in surprise. I hadn't even realized we'd stopped!

With a nearly silent, "Sorry," I followed him out of the limousine, giving the driver a smile and thanks for all of his hard work tonight. He graciously accepted my thank you as he shut the door behind me.

Wishing each other a good night, he left me to Harry, and made his way back to the front of the car.

(Harry's POV)

How many times do I have to be an idiot before I learn my lesson? Shaking my head at myself, I ran a hand through my hair. This was supposed to be Riley's night, perfect, sweet, and full of love...just like her. But, no... I had to go and invite her best friend from back home, the woman who thinks ill of me, who has no faith in Riley and I as a couple, and who single-handedly ended Riley's party on a sour note...

Good job, Styles...

Riley remained silent as we made our way inside, up the elevator, and down the hall toward our door, aside from a few polite thank you's she uttered as I held doors for her.

Not knowing exactly what to say, I remained quiet as well. I knew that Riley was really bothered by everything Bree had said to her tonight, and I knew she'd need to talk it out eventually, but where do I start? What can I possibly say to make things right?

Unlocking the door, I held it open for her to walk through.

"Thank you."

Okay, that was it. I couldn't take this anymore... One more nearly whispered, "Thank you," and I'd go insane! I needed her to say something else. To scream, to cry, to...something.


She turned to look at me as I shut and locked the door behind us.

Opening my mouth to say something, I didn't even get the chance before a small tear slid down her cheek.

"Are we a joke?"

Wait... What?!?

"Riley, no, of course not! You said it yourself. Bree was drunk. She didn't think about what she was saying."

She shook her head. "Well, she was right about part of it. If you really think about it, I HAVE replaced a way... She used to be the one I always went to with a problem. She used to be the one to go shopping with me, to stay up late and watch movies, stuff our faces with junk food. But, I don't do that with her anymore. I do that with you, and Gemma, and Anne, and Niall, and Liam, and..."

Stepping forward, I cut her off. "Lee, the two of you live continents apart now. It's understandable that you wouldn't be able to do those things together anymore. But that doesn't mean you replaced her. You just made new friends, expanded your horizons, grew up..."

"I know... But, I can see where she's coming from. From her point of view, she's been replaced. And apparently from her point of view, the thought of us being more than just friends is a joke..." She took a shuddered breath. "Maybe she's right about that too. Maybe we're just kidding ourselves with this whole thing.... Maybe I'M just kidding myself to think..."

Pulling away, Riley shook her head, and made her way to the stairs, leaving me to stand there, completely dumbfounded.

What had just happened?!? How could she think that we were a joke?!? How could she think for one second that this wasn't real?!? That I didn't love her with every piece of my soul?!?

'Maybe because you haven't said it yet, dumbass... You haven't given her any proof to believe that this is real.'

Thanking my rude-as-ever subconscious for the reminder, I took off after her, taking the stairs two at a time to catch up. "Riley, wait!"

She turned around as I neared her at the top of the stairs. "Harry, don't. I'm sorry. I just... I just think I need to be alone right now, to think about all this..."

I didn't give her a chance to continue.

With adrenaline, fear, and honest desperation rushing through my veins, I grabbed ahold of this amazing, infuriating, confusing woman in front of me and pushed her against the nearest wall. The air left her lungs in an "umph" as I crushed my mouth down upon hers.

Riley's hands pressed against my chest in an initial attempt to push me away, but I wouldn't relent. I couldn't. If she wouldn't listen to words, I'd have to show her. I'd have to prove that we were far from a joke. We were real.

Leaving the grip I held on her arms, my hands came around her back. I pulled her against me, pressing her harder into the wall, waiting for that soft sigh, that sweet sound of submission.

And as my fingers worked their way down her naked back, she gave it to me...her hands curling into my shirt, holding me close instead of pushing me away, her lips falling open to my tongue's repeated attempt at gaining entrance, and that soft sound, playing like music in my ears.

Finally pulling away for air, I brought a hand up to cup her cheek. Her eyes were bright and wide as she gazed up at me, her lips swollen and shaking from my relentless attack on her mouth, her chest rising and falling with her rapid breaths.

"We. Are not. A joke."

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