Lie To Me-Chapter 82

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The two of us did our best to bullshit our way through Bree's grand idea, promising her we'd get together while she was in LA, but not setting up anything specific.

I hadn't lied before; I really did love Bree, love spending time with her. But this week was supposed to be just Harry and I, and I wanted to keep it that way as much as I could. I wanted to see what it would be like with the two of us, away from family, away from friends, and hopefully away from the world's prying eyes... Okay, maybe that was asking a little too much, especially given where we'd be, but I wasn't ready to give up hope yet.

As we talked, Harry remained standing between my legs, taking a few minutes to get his anatomy under control, so he wouldn't embarrass himself in front of our unexpected guest.

"Well, you ladies have a busy day planned, and I'm going to me heading to my mum's for a bit later, so with this..." He kissed the tip of my nose, "I hope you have a good day."

I couldn't help the glow that illuminated my face as he left the room. In all my life, I'd never known a man like Harry. Honest, kind, and understanding to a fault... And I was completely head over heels in love with him...

"I'll give it to you, Riley. He's hot."

My head spun to look at her as I jumped down off the counter. I could already see the wheels turning in her dirty mind...

"Excuse me?"

"He's hot! I mean, I certainly wouldn't mind this little 'arrangement' you two have going on. Personally, I'd expect more from the relationship, but the sneaking around having sex all the time thing isn't too bad either. Though now I get why all those other relationships never worked out for you."

Her tone was teasing, but everything that came out of her mouth only made me see red. How dare she say that to me!! Even as a joke!!


Ignoring my warning, she continued. "God, the things I could do to him..."

Okay, that was enough.

"Back off, Bree. Don't even think about it."

Her laughter filled the room. "Oh my God, relax, would you? I'm kidding!! Besides, it's not like you guys are actually dating or anything. You don't really have a claim to stake here..."

I hated to admit she was right, but she was. Harry and I were something. We were definitely more than friends. I just wasn't sure how much more...

Trying not to flip out on her, and effectively ruin our day before it even began, I took a deep breath. She was just baiting me, like she always did, trying to get to me. I refused to fall for it this time, so instead, I attempted to turn the tables.

"What about that guy you were seeing last month?"

"Yeah, he was fucking my coworker too, so that crashed and burned real quick..."

"Oh... I'm sorry... Though that does explain a few things."

Her brows went up. "And just what does it explain?"

It was my turn to do a little baiting... An evil smile parting my lips. "You, Liam, last night. You were all over him!"

She laughed at me. "Of course I was! He's hot too! If I was staying here longer, I'd surely hit that before going back home..."

I had to laugh at her outrageousness. I could see it now that she was making a big joke out of all this, trying to lighten the mood after the seriousness of our earlier conversation.

"Bree, you are insane, you know that?!? Anybody else you'd like to bang while you're here?"

I laughed even harder as she pondered the thought. "Hmm... That scruffy looking one, Louis. Yeah... Him too."

"Sorry, he's taken..."

"Yeah, and I actually like that girl. I'd still take her man for a ride in a heartbeat, but she's cool."

I shook my head. "What is it with you and wanting guys who are already off the market? Louis, Liam, Harry..."

Tossing her arm around my shoulder, she steered me away from the table where I was about to clean up, and we made our way to the stairs.

"There's one error in your logic though, my dear... Harry is not yet taken. He's as free as a bird right now..."

I did my best to laugh along with her, but it came out as a strangled sound. Joking about Louis and Liam, I could handle, cause that's all it was. They were both in pretty serious relationships, and the boys were happy. I just couldn't see her having any chance in getting what she wanted out of them.

But, when she'd mention Harry, a wave of nausea would settle in my stomach. I didn't want to think of him with someone else... I didn't want to picture him looking at another woman the way he'd been looking at me lately... Sure we'd yet to fully discuss it, but he'd never once given the impression that this was just "friends with benefits" to him. That's just not who Harry is...

Yeah, but he hasn't exactly told you that it's not, either, my bitchy subconscious reminded me, her eyebrows raised and head tilted in warning.

I really hate her...

Note to my readers: Hello beautiful people!!! I want to start off by apologizing for the length of this chapter, and how long it's taken to write it. It's been a crazy couple of days... Unfortunately, it'll likely be crazy until after the fourth, but I will try my best to get the next chapter posted soon!!! I'm excited for them to get to LA already!!! Gahh!!! But, just in case I don't get to talk to you all beforehand, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! 🇺🇸😄🎆

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