Lie To Me-Chapter 62

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With Harry's reaction to my dress being better than I could have ever hoped for, I couldn't seem to wipe the smile off my face. He rarely swore like that, so I knew this dress was having the intended effect. I made a mental note to thank Gemma later...

What was it she'd said? That he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off me?

Well, apparently she was right... His hand stayed at the small of my back as we walked toward the elevator. Once inside, he positioned himself behind me, his fingers gently teasing my hips as he held me close.

Exiting the elevator, Harry once again placed his hand just above the curve of my ass, the warmth of his touch seeping through the thick fabric of my coat.

"I kinda wish we'd left your coat upstairs..."

I giggled before sticking my bottom lip out, giving him sad eyes. "But... Then I'd be cold..."

Leaning in close to my ear, his breath fanning my skin, he whispered as we neared the building's main door, "I'd keep you warm..."

My heated laughter ended abruptly once we got outside.

"Harry... What is this?!?"

He whistled nonchalantly as the driver waiting outside opened the door to the most beautiful stretch limousine I'd ever seen, pretending not to see the way my hands made their way to my hips. Ages ago, when they'd talked me into this dinner, Harry had forced me to agree to let him get a driver for the night. But, he told me he was just getting a towncar! Not a whole limo!

"Is this really necessary?!? For two people?!?"

Harry continued to ignore my protests until the driver spoke up. "I'm sorry miss, is it just the two of you? I was told this would be a party of..."

"Okay! We really don't have time to chat about this! There must have been a mix-up somewhere, but it's fine! Come on, let's go!"

After loudly interrupting, Harry ushered me inside, and tipped the driver, whispering something in his ear before climbing in beside me.

"And what are you up to? Is this that surprise Louis was talking about?"

His face paled for a moment. "What surprise?"

"I don't know. I just overheard you guys talking the other day..."

"Oh, that? No. We were talking about your...present."


I gave him a look as the driver started the car. "Uh huh..."

Scooting himself closer, Harry put his arm around my shoulders, his fingers playing with the tie to my dress, the only thing keeping me decent.

"You know... With one tug, I could have this dress..."

I interrupted him, slapping his hand away. "Oh, no you don't!! Remember, Harry... We're just friends tonight... Just normal. Nothing else until we get home."

As the city passed us by in flashes of light, he leaned in, brushing my hair away from my neck. "Uh huh... We're just friends..." His puckered lips pressed against my skin, just above the fabric holding up my dress as he gently pulled down the collar of my coat.

"Right..." My eyes closed to the feel of his lips, his tongue, the soft wet kisses he was leaving on my body.

"No touching..." His hand snaked around my legs, teasing the exposed skin of my thigh.

Oh God...

"No tasting..." His teeth graded against my shoulder, causing a shudder to run through me.

I needed to stop this...

"No kissing..." My eyes snapped open as Harry left my side to pull me against him, his mouth claiming mine, forcing me to accept, at least here and now, that whatever we were, we were a hell of a lot more than friends.

And I succumbed... I gave in to his torture, to my desire, to the electricity that seemed to flow between us since that first kiss, that first taste of heaven...

A knock on the door jolted me back to reality as we quickly untangled ourselves from each other, our breaths choppy, our lips swollen.

Had we really been making out that long?!?

"Sir? Ma'am? We have arrived."

The driver spoke before opening the door slowly, most likely to give us the time we needed to make ourselves decent. I don't know how, but they always seemed to know what went on inside these things...

"Are you ready?" Harry's raspy voice matched the fire in his eyes when I finally met his gaze.

Without thinking, I opened my mouth, breathing out my response. "Ready for what?"

His smile calmed the butterflies in my stomach, and ignited my heart all at the same time.

"Ready to see just how loved you really are."

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