Lie To Me-Chapter 6

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"Wake up, sunshine!!!!"

I groaned at his voice ringing loud and clear as he burst through my bedroom door. "Go away, Harry..."

Pulling the covers up over my head, I attempted to ignore him, but like a child on Christmas morning, he could not be deterred...

"Nope!!! It's a beautiful day, I'm home, and we're gonna go out and do something fun!!"

He gave a little bounce as he landed on the bed. Yep, definitely a kid on Christmas...


He laughed, "Rileeeyyy..."

I couldn't help but smile, pulling down the covers far enough to peek at him with one eye. I didn't care how happy he was to be home, I refused to open both of them. If I did that, he'd know he had me.

"What time is it anyway?"

"Almost Nine..." He cringed as both my eyes popped open.

"Nine o'clock?!? Harry!!!" My eyes shot to the ceiling as I laid back. I was going to kill him... By the time we'd gotten home and settled, we hadn't gone to bed until after four, and I'm about as much of a morning person as a bat...

Crawling up the bed, he plopped down beside me, resting on his stomach so he could nudge me with his elbow. "Come on, Lee... I'll buy you Starbucks..."

My taste buds practically sang in tune to his words. Mmm... Starbucks... But as ready as they were for a tasty coffee treat, it would take much more than that to pull my lazy butt out of bed this early.

Giving him the same puppy dog treatment he'd given me, I pouted. "Can I have five more minutes? Please??"

He rested his head on the pillow beside me, sighing loudly. "Okay, fine. Five minutes."

With a smile, I closed my eyes. The puppy dog look always worked on him... Sucker...

(Harry's POV)

Silly girl... She could close her eyes all she wanted, but we both knew she wasn't actually going to sleep for the next five minutes. She was too awake for that to work now. But still I watched, her deep, even breaths causing her chest and stomach to rise and fall, moving her comforter along with it.

Taking a moment, I looked at her face, relaxed and calm, a slight tilt to her lips, so true to her nature... Riley was always smiling. Even if she was irritated, or in pain, or even sad, she always seemed to keep her smile. And as I watched, that smile widened, pulling her lips tight.

"Harry, what are you doing?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of her voice, the laughter beneath it, barely contained...

"N..nothing. I was just..." Moving my gaze to her eyes, I saw the sparkle of mischief within them.

"You were watching me sleep...creeper!!"

Even with her insulting me, laughing at my weirdness, I couldn't deny it. Yeah, I had been watching her... Though, she really hadn't been sleeping, no matter what she says... But, for whatever reason, I found the rhythm of her breathing, the sight of her curved lips, the whole lot of it...comforting... It was like watching waves crashing along a beach, gently pulling you into a trance...

"I was wondering just how your whole snoring thing actually worked... It's quite interesting..." The look of shock on her face was priceless, and I couldn't help but smile as she smacked away at me, yelling my full name, but laughing just the same...

"Harold Edward Styles, I do NOT snore!!! You take that back!!"

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