Chapter 2

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It was now morning at Beacon Academy, everyone were still asleep....some were already up....and others were trying to be asleep just to skip class......

Jauen has now woken up due to a delicious smell coming from the kitchen.....wait........the dorms don't have a kitchen...

Jaune woke up to see that everyhting in his dorm was way different that he remember......

Jaune woke up to see that everyhting in his dorm was way different that he remember

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Jaune:"What the heck just happened....that's not my dorm....." he then got up his bed and followed the smell coming from a supposed the hell were there even stairs......Beacon's dorm aren't supposed to be this big....this looked like a mansion......

And once he reached there he saw floating cooking he stood there amazed...

Y/n:"Oh, good morning sorry that I wake you up....but, I was preparing our breakfast and lunch for today....hope you like we got two double cheese burgers full of bacon....and two sandwices....."she said as she start serving breakfast and package the lunch.

Jaune:".............................M-My favourites........." he said as saliva came out his mouth....

Y/n:"Then we have two classes today at 9 o'clock we have History and we have two hours to eat and gto class....then can you show me around school?"

Jaune:"Erm......not to be rude but....can't you teleport?"

Y/n:"True, but you see I need to be aware of where I am to teleport to that specific direction.....if I'm not aware of teleportation can't work..."

Jaune:"...................that's kinda complex......but, I can understand what you mean......."







After eating....Y/n and Jaune were now sitting next to each other listening to Port's lesson.....

Port:"Monsters!! Demons!! Creatures of the night!!! The Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey, HAHAHA!!!!"

Jaune then sighed in annoyence as Y/n was taking notes.

Port:"And you shall too, once you graduate from this prestigious academy!! Now as I was saying Vale as well as the other Kingdoms......and our planet are infected with these creatures, that love nothing more than to tear you apart and that's were we, come in....Huntsman...Huntresses...." he then winked at Yang, who looked at him with a frown.

Port:"Individuals, that are sworn to protect, those who cannot protect themselves...from what you ask?......THE VERY WORLD!!!"

Jaune:"......................................." he then turn to his left see Pyrrha and Axel talking to each other like they were pals or something he scoff.....and turn to the much is he going to endure Port's annoying lessons.

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