Chapter 72

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The City of Atlas was a mess, the guards were sending many rebellious and put them inside of the truck and many were asking shelter, how didi all of this happen it was because of Jacques Schnee propaganda against the General of Atlas James Ironwood and Pauline, which caused a riot in all of the city.







Journalist:"The riots in Mantle are finally under control, but tell us, how does it feel to know that most of the people involved were your supporters?"

Pauline:"Far be it from me to support these uprisings, especially now that our city is in trouble and the aid it needs is being denied, but this latest stunt, Jacques Schnee is holding an entire city hostage to satisfy his political aims. I understand the anger everyone feels, but I would also like to ask them not to vent it in the streets, but in the polling stations."






Back with our young Hunters, they were now training to improve even more as Sun and Blake were improving their speed.

Weiss was battling against her older sister Winter and was holding her own for a while as their two ice attacks clashed with Weiss barely standing as WInter took that opportunity to drop kick her  in the stomach and send her crashing into a wall.

Weiss was holding her stomach in pain as Winter just smirked.

Meanwhile Oscar was training with Jaune in close combat as Oscar was blocking some of Jaune's punches, but could've felt he was holding back a little against him because he's a child.

Oscar then avoided one of Jaune's punches and went to to give him an uppercut to the chin, only for Jaune to catch his fist and then use his lightning Magic to kneel Oscar in the stomach sending him flying and crash on the floor.

Jaune:"Are you okay, Oscar?" he asked as Oscar slowly got back up holding his stomach in pain before nodding and raising a thumb up.

Jaune:"Good, now let's get a little rough!!!!" he then shoot a fire ball towards Oscar as OScar then manage to jumped out the way barely avoding the attack.

Oscar then started panting before smiling at Jaune.

Jaune then smiled back.

Jaune:"Not bad, now you are much faster and more agile than before, Farm Boy."

Oscar then nodded, before all of the sudden Ruby moved at incredbile speed so fast that it appeared that multiple Rubies were there in the training room, until Ruby stopped running aswell as the multiple Rubies then disappeared into tin air.

Oscar:"Am I wrong or ... that is, that you have always been able to do?"

Ruby:"Good question, It's usually not something I think about a lot."

Oscar then looked down at the floor feeling kinda sad and jelous of his comrades.

Oscar:"You are all evolving, and I haven't even shown any signs of possessing magic yet like Mr. Arc, Miss. Schnee and Miss. Zatara."

Jaune:"It's not that easy Oscar it takes a lot of effort, training, concentration and a lot of desire to learn these tricks. But, I am sure that sooner or later you will show the first signs and when you do we will move on to the next stage."

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