Chapter 7

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At Vale, everything was calm and peaceful......and it was a really sunny cars were on the road, shops opening after some incidents with the White two new youngings entered the wonderful town.....






???:"Excuse me? I'm sorry to bother you.....but, I'm not really from around here....would you mind potig me the direction of this shop, please?" she asked while showing the address, the cashier of the Dust shop then explained her the direction to take...and it's not so much far from here....







???2:"I knew you where lost..."

???:"Mercury I'll seriously pay you to shut up..." she said while showing the money she stole from the cashier, when his back was turned.

Mercury:"That's not your money, girl."

???:"But, it could be yours for five minutes of silence.."

Mercury:"Hmmmmm.........No, deal....."

The girl then frowned as she took the money for herself.

???:"Fine......" she then walk off, as the boy named Mercury followed her.

Mercury:"Whatever, you want how much farther...."

???:"A few blocks..."

Mercury then start looking around the town, with people sitting outside bars, drinking coffee and talking to each other.

Mercury:"Ugh......this place is so dull....."he said in annoyence, while the girl seemed to appreciate Vale.

???:"I kinda like it, tall buildings, various cultures-"Mercury then cut her off.

Mercury:"And nice idiotic people, who are easy to pick pocket..."

???:"That's every city.."

Mercury then decided to mock her a little bit.

Mercury:"Oh, Emerald...master thief! Please, don't take my money...I barely have enough to get something to buy....." he said in a cocky and mocking tone as the girl named Emerald scoffed at him, before walking past Mercury, who then kept following her in the way to the shop.

Mercury:"You're not fun today....."







Mercury and Emerald then manage find the shop as Mercury was looking around the books and Emerald tapped the bell....

???:"I'll be right there!!!" the cashier he walk through the door of the shop, holding a ton of books in his hands...

???:"Welcome to Turkson's Book Trade, home of every book on the sun...How may you?"

Mercury:"Just browsing..." he said as he closed a book and put it back to the bookshelf as Emerald started talking....

Emerald:"Actually...I was wondering, do you have any copies of The Thief and The Butcher?" she asked.

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