Chapter 52

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After Jaune say those words, CInder Fall disappeared out the nowhere as Mercury and Emerald eyes widen aswell as everyone in the room.

Jaun then sighed in relief, before grabbing his combine Crocea Mors and glaring at the two, Oscar then looked down to see Ruby laying on the ground knocked out cold as he felt nothing more than rage in that moment.

Oscar then swing his cane at Lionheart hitting him in the face, causing the Headmaster of Haven to fall down the stairs and crashed on the floor.

Oscar then run up to Ruby and start shaking her.

Oscar:"Miss. Rose, please get up. We do need your help!!!!!"

Lionheart then was grabbed from the floor by Hazel and lifted up his height.

Hazel:"You're getting humiliated by a little boy."

Lionheart:"That's not just any kid !! it's Ozpin !! He has already reincarnated !"

Hazel eyes widen as he then dropped Lionheart on the floor, before turning to Oscar with a pissed look on his face as soon as he saw OScar's cane, whcih was previously Ozpins.


Ruby then start regaining consciousness.

Oscar:"Miss. Rose, you have to-" he was then interrupted by Hazel screaming at him.


Ozpin:(Oh, no...)

Hazel:"Did you think you could escape me?!?" he yelled, before removing his coat adn grabbing some Dust from his pockets as Qrow eyes widen.

Hazel:"You will pay for what you have done. You will die!! And you will die again, again and again!!!" he then stabbed both of his arms with Dust, giving him a power boost as Hazel then let out a roar as his eyes were glowing bright golden.

Oscar:"W-What do we do, do we also face this consequence?" he said in fear as he started to back away.

Ozpin:(No, run!!!)

Hazel then let out a mighty roar as he charged at Oscar, before Jaune got into the way and parry the blow with his combine Crocea Mors.

Qrow then jump and kicked Hazel in the face, knocking him away from them.

Raven eyes widen as anger start rising in her.

Raven:"Ozpin is here?!? He is here?!?"

Emerald:"Is that a problem?" she asked before Raven sighed.

Raven:"We don't have Cinder anymore so, I don't know!! Right now, we have the upper hand!!! Let's not waste this chance!! Leo!! Open the passage to the Vault!!!!"

The Headmaster Lionheart then did what she told him to do as he used his watch as a key to opened the Vault.

Yang then noticed what they were doing as she looked back to her comrades who were still fighting.

Nora:"Stop them you dummy!!!! We have you covered!!!!" she yelled.

Yang then clentched her fists, before going to charge at them until Mercury hammer kicked her in the head knocking her down.

Emerald then approached Yang with a smirk.

Emerald:"You wanna get to them? You'll have to deal with all of us first!"she said as she used her Semblance to create many Mercury around Yang.

Meanwhile Jaune and Qrow were standing infront of Oscar, trying to protect him by a very angry Hazel.

Qrow:"What do we do against this guy? You're the one with magic, kid. Did your girl teached you something then use it."

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