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On the rooftop Jaune was sitting down thinking of his ways of becoming a better leader, but it wasn't doing any well as Ren and Pyrrha were thinking if the Arc was a good choice to be team leader and they were starting to doubt on him and his actions so far, Nora was trying to be supposrtive, but was also feeling a little doubtful for Jaune as he hasn't done anything to prove his position. They were times they were talking about changing Jaune position which hurted the Arc a he tried anything to keep up with his teammates.

Team RWBy also had the same thoughts on Jaune, Ruby was trying to be supportive and believed that there is maybe something about Jaune that is unique or special...she just could've have feel it deep inside him....but her team try to convince her otherwise, Ruby tends to ignore it. Although there is still part of her that believe her teammates were kinda right about it and Jaune just sucked.






Jaune:"Come on I can do it!! I'm not gonna be the damsel in distress all the time..I can't expect to be team leader when all I do is waiting for my friends to get me or let them fight for me!!"he yelled as he proceed to start swinging his sword up and down.....and trying to get better at fighting Grimms, other Huntsman or any other danger in Remnant.....when Jaune doing another swing however he unfourntly ended up trowing the sword far away into the garden of Beacon Academy.

Jaune then sighed as he face palmed.

Jaune:"Oh, Come on....Who am I kidding?!? I'm a laughing joke......" he then sit down on the ground and look at the broken moon in the sky.

Jaune:"Maybe......Maybe I shouldn't have fake my transcripts to get here.........I don't feel I am not apart of this academy.......maybe, my friends were right......maybe dad was right about me.....I wasn't worthy to be here from the begginning..."he said whie looking down on the floor in he start walking out of the go grab his sword he trew off....before all the sudden Jaune heard some he turned to his right.....

Cardin:"Well...Well...Well........Jauney boy...I never thought you had the actual guts to do something like that, I'm impressed...." he said with a smirk appearing on his face.

Jaune:"W-Wait...h-hold on C-Cardin, please y-you can't tell that to anyone about this.."

Cardin:"Oh, Jauney boy....come on now....I wouldn't tell anyone..." he with a smirk on his face and a cocky tone.

Jaune:"W-wait........y-you........y-you wouldn't?" he asked almost surprised...

Cardin:"Of course, man........but......I do need help with a lot of things.......especially with homework that Oobleck set us up, do you think you could do that for me?"

Jaune:"Uh......well....Cardin, I can't really........well, you see it's just that-"

Cardin:"Oh, well looks like I'm going to tell the whole school about it then, now wouldn't that be a surprise for your friends to hear I can't wait to-"

Jaune:"O-Okay fine you win! I would do everything you say...okay?!?"

Cardin:"Good to was that so hard to do, I will see you later buddy..."he then walked Jaune sighed knewing that from now on.....its gonna be a hell..






From the start Jaune started carrying Cardin's book, his food and homework....for few weeks to which many students especially the professors had an idea on what's going on between these two and it was nothing about friendship.....the students however minded their own business...but the teachers asked many times what was going on with Jaune...and wanted to help....but, jaune always tend to say that everything was alright and that him and the Winchester were cool......which was a lie......because if they found out about this situation....not only will Cardin get in trouble but even Jaune will...and that's not something he wants to happened......not in the already bad situation.....however the blackmail will soon stop duringa battle against teams in the arena as Jaune finally had enough of it......

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