Chapter 40

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Our Five Huntsman and Huntresses were now facing against the Knight Grimm as it brute force pushed them away.

Ren was glaring at the Knight Grimm in hatred as the monster kept walking, it size was about 15'0".

The Knight Grimm then kept walking, slowly towards the five in complete silence, this grimm attack on sight as it weild a huge sword, it has taken the lives of many Huntsman and Huntresses in the past as it considered very dangerous as well because he possed an high degree of intelligence that has never been seen in any Grimm.

The Knight Grimm's body that start twitching as the sound of cracking bones could've been heard.

Ruby looked terrified as Jaune glare at the Knight Grimm, before using his lightning magic to boost his speed and start running around the Knight Grimm slashing his legs, however it proved to be nothing showing that this Grimm is pretty durable.

The Knight then went to grab Jaune, before the Arc speed blitz away from it.

Ren then sighed before touching the ground and use his Semblance to make all of them  invisible.

The Knight Grimm then start looking around as he couldn't find the Huntsman and Huntresses, before all of the sudden he got it by Nora's hammer right on it's knees.

Qrow then start slashing at the Knight Grimm with powerful strikes, barely damaging the Grimm.

Ruby then went to slash the Knight Grimm with her scythe, however the invisibility didn't last long enough and as soon as the Knight Grimm saw her, he smack Ruby straight on the ground.

Nora then went to hit the Knight Grimm with her hammer again, only to be grabbed and trew directly into an house, however Ren manage to grab her before she crashed.

Ren then start shooting in mid air at the Knight Grimm, who just took the shots, before stabbing its sword on the ground causing a shockwave that send Ruby, Nora and Ren flying.

Jaune then start focusing his aura aswell as his magic.

Jaune:"Guys, keep moving, make a circle!" he yelled as Ruby then grab both Ren and Nora and boost her speed in air.

Qrow then slashed the Grimm's hand that was holding the sword, causing the Knight Grimm to drop it.

Ruby, Ren and Nora then jump right at the Knight Grimm's shoulder and start shooting and hit the Knight Grimm with their weapons.

Jaune then speed blitz right at the Grimm with a flaming sword as it slashed the left arm, cutting it.

The Knight Grimm then let out a powerful roar of pain sending each of the Huntsmen and Huntresses flying away.

However Jaune and the others manage to land on their feet as Jaune was panting.

Jaune then glare at the beast, before upgrading his Crocea Mors turning it into an ever bigger blade as his eyes were glowing golden as well as Crocea Mors.

Ruby then smirked,  before shooting at the Knight Grimm who was using its right hand to hold the sword.

Jaune then kept charging as he held the upgrade Golden Crocea Mors and cut the right arm of the Grimm, causing it to dropped the blade yet again.

The Knight Grimm then turn to Jaune and tilted its head as it then regrew both of its arms.

The Knight Grimm then went to stomp on Jaune, who quickly avoided being stomped as Ruby went to slash the Knight Grimm by its neck, before being smacked away by the Knight Grimm.

Ruby then manage to land on her feet as her nose was bleeding.

The Knigth Grimm body then start growing in size reaching 17'0".

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