Chapter 12

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At the dance, the students were interacting with each other, aswell as the teachers....As Ruby look at the scene in an akward way, since she isn't use to see so many people, until she noticed Jaune sitting on a chair she walked up to him.

Jaune:"Also hiding next to the punch bowl, right?"


Jaune:"To the socially awkward." he said still looking down on the ground, Ruby then giggled a little bit as she sit next to him.

Ruby:"I'm sorry things didn't work out with Y/n..."

Jaune:"Meh, It's fine....Neptune is pretty cool, I get it why she went with him instead of me."

Ruby:"What do you mean?"

Jaune:"I mean, come on. Not many people can look good with blue hair."

Ruby:"No, I mean....Neptune came to the dance, alone."

Jaune:"Erm....Wait, WHAT?!?" he then look around to see, Neptune interacting with Sun and Blake, much to Jaune's surprise.

Jaune:"Hold on, Ruby. I'll be back." he said before getting up and walking up to Neptune.

As he was making his way to Neptune, Jaune and Axel had a brief glare to each other as the Pendragon was dancing with Pyrrha, who as soon as she look at Jaune, she looked away for some reason dejected, but Jaune just shrug it off.






Jaune and Neptune were now on top off Beacon's academy balcony and they now discussed..

Neptune:"Hey, ummm....Jaune right?"


Neptune:"This party must be pretty lame, huh? I mean, I mean, ballroom dancing....Pfff..."


Neptune:"Pretty girls though, right?"

Jaune:"Yeah, ummm.....but, is it all you think about?" 

Neptune then look at Jaune in confusion.

Jaune:"Do you even care about the girls you hit on? How do they feel about you?"

Neptune:"W-Woah, buddy where does all of this come from? Look, man, you've won not me."

Jaune:"What are you talking about?"

Neptune:"I'm talking about the fact Y/n chose you, it didn't work out between us, didn't she told you? Or message you about it?"

Jaune:"I-I well.....I-I was well aware of it."he said clearly lying, because he didn't read a single message, because how sad he was on that moment.

Neptune:"Then if you were well aware of it, why are you taking it all on me, then?"

Jaune:"B-Because, look this might be very selfish of me, but....could you leave Y/n alone?"

Neptune:"I .....well.....I don't get it.......even though I think I can get it...." he said trying to understand the situation.

Jaune:"Look, it's just that I really, really like her and I want to dance with her this day and tell her that you know I like her..."

Neptune:"........................Oh............buddy, you should've told me sooner, instead of all of the angry looks you were giving me, hehehe. I got it, she's all yours man, I won't get in the way."

Jaune then start blinking in surprise.

Neptune:"Plus, I can't dance man, I tried really hard to be cool and impress so many people and imagine if me and her were to dance, that will probably be the most embaressing dance in her life and I'll be the one who cause it."he said the last part, scratching his head in embaressment.

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