Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 2

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The next day, Y/n was seen riding Cerberus with Ishtar holding her by her waist.

Ishtar turned to see her 4 kidnappers now turned into demons, with ropes around their necks getting dragged and pulled like some dogs, which creeped her out.

Y/n:" Shall we find some more people to add to our merry band?" she asked with a smirk as she chuckled at Amir now turned into a Demon.

The Demon starred at Y/n in confusion as Y/n chuckled at his mindless behavior.

Y/n simply just pulled the rope causing the 4 demons to clash on each other and then snarl at each other making Y/n laugh sadistically as Ishtar gulped.





At Night time, Y/n entered the Kingdom of Umayyad with her Creatures of the Night scaring most of the inhabitants in the process as they started running away and looking for shelter.

Gamila had a frown on her face not feeling okay with Y/n intimidation methods since there were children around.

Cerberus then stopped walking as Y/n got off his back.

Y/n:" You others wait. In peace." she said as the demons listened to her.

Ishtar followed her as Y/n then entered a shop.

Two demons guard up the entrance not allowing anyone else to enter.

Ishtar was looking around the shop to see helmets, skulls, statues and potions of satanic and necromancy theme as she was left in awe.

The Blind Shopkeeper then start sniffing their presence.

Shopkeeper:" I smell your scent, Death." he said with a calm tone as Y/n raised an eyebrow intrigued on how the elderly human Shopkeeper could've detected that she was Death.

Y/n:" Interesting.  Not many people can smell an education." she said.

Shopkeeper:" It's not an education.... It's a curse. It's easy to detect. You just have to know what Hell smells like...." he said with a calm smile.

Y/n:" And you know the smell of Hell?" she asked.

Shopkeeper:" Smelled it, tasted it, seen it. You're also a woman of faith, aren't you?" he said with a calm smile.

Y/n:" Hmmm........ Not quite....... My devotion has been a matter of interrogation for some years, and the reparation of my souless heart is far away." she said as she grabbed a sword and handed it to Ishtar so that she could've defended herself.

Shopkeeper:" If you have a God, then you probably also have a Devil. And if God created everything, then he also made Hell." he said.

Y/n:" The Bishop, peace and respect be upon him, once said, ' One day there will be no human beings left in Hell.' Perhaps I'm doing his work. And there will come time when my supposed devotion is perfected." she said as the Shopkeeper stood silent for a while.

Shopkeeper:" How can this humble collecter be of service to you tonight, Death?" he asked.

Y/n:" In my travels, I have heard from my Genie that you possess a large Carpathian Transmission mirror......" she said with an humble tone

Shopkeeper:" Oooooh.......I'm so sad to say that was some years ago...Purchased from me by a lovely couple from Farah.....Who did not go out during the day, if you take my meaning......." he said meaning that the couple were Hybrid between Creatures of the Night and Humans.

Y/n:" I do. What a shame...." she said.

Shopkeeper:".............. But I have something else that may be of interest." he said as he reached down to grab a treasure box.

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