Chapter 13

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At Beacon Tower the General James Ironwood, Glynda Goodwitch and Ozpin were now discussing what happened yesterday....

Ironwood:"They were here. Ozpin they were here!!!" he yelled to Ozpin, who was trying to think of something.

Glynda:"We are pretty much aware of it. Thank you James!" she said with sarcasm.

Ironwood:"Fantastic, you're aware...Are we gonna do something about it or are we going to leave everything like this to ignore what's right in our face?" he responded with even more sarcasm, as he wanted an answer.

Then Ozpin heard the door of his office ring, as he told whoever was there to come in.

Ruby then stepped out the elevator..

Ruby:"Sorry for taking so long... Someone accidentally pressed all the elevator buttons on the way up. It was not me...." she responed to the Heamaster, Headmistress and General.

Ozpin:"Thank you for coming, Ruby. How are you feeling?"

Ruby:"Well, I guess...I would feel better if I wasn't losing two to one to the bad guys."

The three just look at her, as she start feeling akward.

Ruby:"Erm....Okay, so this will be the tone of the conversation, I think..." she said while scratching her head.

Then Ironwood walked up to Ruby and put his hand on her shoulder.

Ironwood:"Ruby....I think it's appropriate to let you know...that I think what you did last night is exactly what it means to be a hunter. You recognized a threat, you took action, and you did the best you can."

Ruby:"Thank you, sir."

Ozpin:"So... The General has already informed us of the events that... took place last night. But now that you are rested, we wanted to know if you would have anything to add."

Glynda:"Was someone else with her? Did she even look familiar to you?"

Ruby then start thinking.

Ruby:"I...I don't know...She was wearing a mask. And he didn't say anything to me. But I know she fought saying a weird language , but I don't think this was her Semblance.... Her clothes shinned when attacking. And she had a flaming aura around her.."

Glynda:"Except for the weird language....Looks like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby...."

Ironwood:"Matching Dust to clothes is an old technique, it could have been anyone..."

Ruby:"Wait..." she said catching everyone attention.

Ruby:"I don't think it was Dust......It was something different back there.....I could've feel it......but, I don't know how to explain it..." she said, as Ozpin put an hand under his chin and start thinking.

Ruby:"Erm, Do you think she is connected to Torchwick and White Fang?"she asked them.

Ozpin:"It's possible. But we still lack evidence to link the two." he responded to Ruby.

Ruby:"Actually I....I think I remember her saying something about a hideout or something... To the southeast... Just past the kingdom."

Ozpin:"Interesting."he said with a smile appearing on his face.

Glynda:"I thought you said the intruder-"she was then cut off by Ozpin.

Ozpin:"Thanks for the cooperation Miss. Rose. How about spending time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you."

Ruby:"Any time.." she said as she start walking out the office, until Ozpin start speaking again.

Ozpin:"And Miss. Rose....Please try to be....discreet about this."

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