Chapter 69

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Our Young Hunters and Qrow Branwen were now inisde of an airship with with Axel and his team.

Axel:"All right, ears wide open. The mission is to secure the Amity Communications Tower launch site. The designated area is an abandoned Dust mine. After its closure, it was colonized by the Grimms. The good news is that the mine is full of both Grimm and Unused Dust. Our scientists will need it for the first phase of the launch." he said.






Pietro then made his way towards the young Hunters with a smile on his face.

Pietro:"Sorry for all the mess. And sorry if I made you wait and so long for your weapons. You requested some changes which well, here ... Let's just say I had to work on it more than I expected."







Axel:"Atlas Army hunters are already working to clear the surrounding tundra. The patrols, however, have identified a rather powerful Geist that they have not been able to eliminate, and who has actually killed several soldiers. When we sent in reinforcements, the Geist was smart enough to retreat into the mine. This means that it is an ancient and extremely dangerous specimen. This is our target.





Pietro:"Your weapons and armor should be as you asked for them. That said, I have taken the liberty of reviewing the tapes of your fights at the Vytal Festival. If I may, I would like to suggest some additional improvements. Ah, but for the time being, I think they will do their duty very well."






Axel:"When it was still active, the mine was a labyrinth. That place is full of tunnels and caves that the Geist can use to get around. Therefore, if we want to have any hope of killing him we should split up to prevent him from escaping. According to General Ironwood, you all have some experience in the field. That's a man I would trust my own life to. that is why I will do the same with you tomorrow."






The next day, Jaune, Blake, Y/n and Sun stepped the airship looking down at the chaos the Grimm were doing.

The next day, Jaune, Blake, Y/n and Sun stepped the airship looking down at the chaos the Grimm were doing

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