Chapter 71

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Our Young Hunters were now sleeping in their beds, taking a very good nap, until Penny burst out their door waking them all up.

Penny:"SAAAAAAAAAALUUUUUUTAAAAAATIIIIIIIIIION!!!!!!!!" she yelled as th young Hunters fell of their beds.

Penny:"Good morning to you, Team RWY, PNRA and JYBOS !!!!"

Yang:"God damn Penny, what the heck, what time is it?!?!?"

Penny:"What type of question, it's time to get down to business, Huntsmen and Huntresses !!!" she then winked as all of the young Hunters groan and face palmed, except Ruby who was now in her combat suit excited.

Ruby:"Hurray !!!!!!" she yelled all excited.





The Young Hunters were in the Atlas reunion room as Jaune was bringing hot chocolate for both Y/n and himself as he then handed a cup to her and sit next to her, until Pyrrha knocked both of their cups over as they fell on the floor.

Pyrrha:"Oops, Sorry!" she said with a fake apologize as both Jaune and Y/n sighed as Pyrrha put herself in the middle of both of them, again.

Marrow then sit next to Jaune, Pyrrha and Y/n with a cup of hot chocolate as he raised an eyebrow before handing to Jaune his cup of hot chocolate.

Jaune eyes widen as Marrow just shrugged.

Marrow:"But yeah, go ahead and take it. You probably need it more than me anyway."

Axel then walked in the room with his hands behind his back.

Axel:"Eyes open, Hunters. History has changed here at Atlas you will have to get used to it. Your priority will be the Amity Tower. This means protecting the supply convoys from Grimm and bandits ... as well as defending the site itself."






Then it shows both Ruby and Weiss taking down 5 Manticores with great team work.





Axel:"All of our building resources will be concentrated on Amity Towers, and as a result there will be holes in Mantle's anti-Grimm defenses. Help will be needed along the entire perimeter."





Yang, Blake and Sun were now fighting a group of Alpha Beowolfs, in  a dust mine.

Yang then turn to both Blake and Sun.

Yang:"Say a bit, have you ever thought about varying a little bit? I mean, you're always in pairs, but I don't know if your styles-"she was then interrupted by an Ursa Major charging at both Blake and Sun as Sun then jump at the Ursa Major and start hitting it with his nunchakus mutliple times, before then do a back flip hitting the Grimm in the chin sending it flying in the ceiling as Blake then did a couple of front flips and then jump very high in the ceiling and start slashing the Grimm in multiple pieces.

Blake then did a back flip, landed on the ceiling and jump down doing  a front flip and landed next to Sun as both raised an eyebrow at Yang who then scratched the back of her head embaressed.

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