Chapter 94

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Ruby was now seen walking towards the castle with the White Knights escorting her towards it.

Ruby gulped as she was now about to be meeting the 'Creator' of all this place.

Little then came out of her hair and asked her a question.

Little:" Are you sure you wanna do this?" she asked Ruby.

Ruby:" Well, she's the only one that might actually know more about all this mess...."  she said as a purple butterfly landed on a red rose with thornes.

The White Knights then stopped walking aswell as Ruby, meaning that they have arrived to the destination.

The door of the castle then opened itself as Ruby walked inside to see it was all nature inside of it as Ruby was in awe that even inside of such construct there was the same as the outside.

???:" Hello, child...." the voice of a woman spoke up as Ruby was looking around but couldn't find her.

Ruby:" Erm....Hello, are you 'Mother'?" she asked to the voice that was echoing in the entire castle.

???:" Yes, indeed child...... Tell, me what is bothering you? You don't like it here?" she asked to Ruby.

Ruby:" N-No, No, No...... It's pretty nice here..... This island is pretty nice, pretty comfty..... I could make myself at home here, hehehe........ But, I was wondering if you......... knew the way out of here? Pretty, please? Look, like I said, the place is great..... but that's not where I come from." she said as one of the knights got offended.

Knight:" How, rude of you......... if it weren't for your kind the era of the Gods-" he was then interrupted by his companion who smacked him in the back of his helmet shutting him up.

Ruby then got to one knee and apologized to the 'Mother'.

The voice got quite for a while, before a soft laugh started echoing the throne room.

???:" Do not be sorry. Your Aura gives it away. You're from Remnant. It appears that the war between those two isn't over yet. The more things stays the more they stay the same. Boundries shift. New lifeforms step in. But power always find a way to rest its head. Fight and blood for the sake of returning to the old era. An Era, that hides its secrets. History is written by the victor. And here I am thinking that this could've been over." she said as Ruby looked down on the floor acknowledging the truth of her words.

The moment that Ruby raised her head up she finded herself in a flowery garden as she started looking around.

A yellow butterfly then landed on Ruby's nose as Ruby started blinking shock before Little came out of Ruby's hoodie and scared it away.

Ruby then looked behind her to see a woman far away from her as she was about to use Petal Burst to got to her, until all of the sudden she finded herself right infront of the woman.

Ruby was in shock of how she got there however she brushed it off and went immidiatly to business.

Ruby:" If you help me get back to my world. What do you want in exchange? There's always a cath in making deals. You see 'Mother' you are as wise as you are mysterious." she said carefully as right now she wasn't acting as Ruby Rose, she was acting as Y/n Zatara. 

???:" Let's play a game beloved child of the roses. If you win, I shall allow you to go back to your world, but if you shall lose. You'll end up becoming a part of the island. As its Protector." she said as she then turned revealing her appearence.

" she said as she then turned revealing her appearence

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