Chapter 114

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Hypnos was looking at Weiss with a look of hatred in his eyes after she awakened....

Hypnos was looking at Weiss with a look of hatred in his eyes after she awakened

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Weiss:" You should have chosen your chess pieces carefully." she said.

Hypnos then noticed the polearm Weiss was now holding.

Hypnos:( Calamity Queller. It's a long polearm forged using the Divine Crystals of the Goddess Cra. It has seen many a slaughter begin and end, and tasted many a foul beast's flesh and blood. So much power, this means that she underwent 8 awakenings and 8 Promotions in total. She was hiding her actual power from the beginning to fool us into thinking that was all she had.) he thought in his head.

Weiss started spinning the Calamity Queller and then trew a slash towards the Berserker Black Dragon Emperor managing to slash through the Black Dragon's armor.

Whitley screamed in pain.

Weiss:" Know this Hypnos, before you is gathered the power of all the Winter Maidens of the history of Remnant. Also, I inform you that from the very beginning you had no chance of winning! Hypnos, The King of Nightmares. I am The Ice Queen of Remnant and Ruler of the Winter. Impress in your eyes the strength of the being that will accompany you on your journey towards death and rebirth." she said.

Hypnos scoffed as he ordered the Black Dragon Emperor to go for the attack.

Whitley:" D-Divide!!" he yelled as he swong the Paladin Sword at Weiss.

Weiss flicked a Jack card towards Whitley and cancelled out his skill and put him in a pause.

Hypnos eyes widen, before he smirked.

Hypnos:" You are opened." he yelled as he activated Promotion Queen on Whitley casuing him to shatter through the time stop.

Weiss summoned another card, but tore it off.

Hypnos eyes widen as a seal appeared on Hypnos chest, that seal had the symbol of Weiss's Snowflake Emblem on it as it started glowing bright orange.

Weiss:" Where would I be opened, Hypnos?" she asked.

All of the sudden Hypnos body burned as he screamed in pure agony.

Hypnos:( S-Sunlight Magic?!?! What is the meaning of this?!?) he asked in pain.

Weiss used the CalamityQueller to causally stop the Black Dragon Emperor punch and made it change direction.

Weiss then spinned the Calamity Queller, used the back of the spear  to strike the Black Dragon Emperor on its chest shattering the red orb.

The Black Dragon Emperor flew back.

The Black Dragon Emperor released flames from his body as the red orb healed up.

As Hypnos was groaning in pain he then touched his chest and used his claws to stab through it to remove the seal by force so he could've stopped burning.

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