Chapter 29

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After the explosion happened in the Vault, Jaune then start regaining his senses as he look over to see different type of lights, as he then got up to see it much clear that it was Y/n and Cinder fighting each other.

The two Half Fall Maiden's were now clashing to each other with Y/n clearly having the upper hand in the fight.

Cinder was then pushed back by Y/n's power and then used her Ice manipulation to trow ice piecks at her, however Y/n parry it by using her force field.

Y/n then flew right at Cinder and then created a glowling purple blade, as she went to slice Cinder who then use her force field to protect herself, however it wasn't so strong as she was then sent flying and crashing into the wall.

The building then start trembling as Y/n was letting out a lot of power and manipulating the wind.

Cinder then decided to use her powers at full power.

Cinder then trow a fire blast at Y/n, who replied by using the wind as the two elements clashed.





Meanwhile with the students and civilians Port and Oobleck manage to call some bullheads for the students and civilians, so they could've been safe and go away from Vale.

Port:"All aboard. This is a mandatory evacuation."

Oobleck:"A safe zone has been established in Vale. Please stay calm and listen to the Atlas staff."

Weiss then covered her mouth as Yang then notice a giant size purple glowling leaf reaching them as Ruby then jumped out of it and landed on her feet.

Yang:"Ruby!!" she then went to hug her sister.

Ruby:"Yang, are you okay?!? I'm so sorry!! For what I said earlier!!" she said as Yang hugged her tightly.

Yang:"Ruby, where were you?"

Ruby:"Do not worry, I'm fine. But, what's going on?" she asked Yang.

Yang then stood quiet.

Ruby:"What is it?" she asked again.

Weiss then grab Ruby's hand and led her to see a badly injured Sun, Blake on the ground crying and holding his hand as Ren and Nora were sitting on the ground in shame.

Blake then laid her head next to Sun and cried.

Blake:"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, Sun."

Ruby then tried to held her tears, but couldn't as she couldn't stand seeing her friends in this situation.

Yang:"They're gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take them out to Vale."

Nora:"But, Jaune, Axel, Pyrrha and Y/n are still missing."

Ruby's eyes widen.


Yang:"Look, everyone! That giant Grimm keeps circling the school. Even the White Fang are leaving. We all have to go. Now!"

Ruby then look at her friends seeing as they were about to give up, but she wasn't having it.

Ruby:"I'll find them. I'll find them and bring them back."

Yang:"Ruby, we have to-" Weiss then cut her off.

Weiss:"No, WE will find them. Take care of Blake and Sun. We'll be back."

Yang:"Ruby, don't even think-"

Ruby then grab Weiss, bridal style, as she used her Semblance to boost her speed leaving her sister behind.

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