Chapter 75

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In the city of Atlas the citiziens were now whining because all of the sudden the heat of the city got away.

Civilian:"What is going on?"

Civilian 2:"Besides Mantle, is Atlas also in the cold?"

Civilian 4:"Come on, they would never turn off the heat .... right?"

As it was happening both Maria and Pietro raised an eyebrow and were wondering what was going on.





Back with at the Schnee Mansion, the Council was still raning the General of Atlas James Ironwood.

Carmilla:"General. Since you were a Headmaster voter, many Atlas citizens have been puzzled by the idea that two seats on the Council are held by one person."

Ironwood:"Of course, this is why the system of checks and balances exists."

Sleet:"It exists in theory, since lately she has been ignoring it beautifully by making unilateral decisions without consulting us."

Ironwood:"Believe me, it wasn't my intention-" he was then interrupted by the Counciler Sleet.

Sleet:"People's intentions don't always match their actions, General."

Then a Faunus worker entered the room as he lean next to Jacques Schnee and whipsered something in his ear.

Jacques*whisper*:"What? How long? My authorization? Check again!" he said as the Faunus worker nodded before walking out the room as the two Conciler Carmilla and Sleet raised an eyebrow at Jacques Schnee.

Sleet:"Councilor Schnee?"

Jacques:"Erm....Of course, I....erm.....I agree with what has been said so far, right down to the last word. I have no other questions."

Carmilla, Sleet, Pauline and Ironwood then look at Jacques in suspiscioun, before he started talking again.

Jacques:"In truth, maybe I have some. You're afraid of something, aren't you, General?"

Ironwood:"What is it Mr. Schnee? Are you already changing the subject? I think you have something that seems to worry you particularly. I'm trying to prevent Atlas from becoming a second Beacon. Or a second Haven. But, what are you trying to prevent? You talk about me, I work in secret, but what are you doing so far? These are the shares of a person who is trying to buy some more time, don't you think?"

Jacques:"I don't need to buy time, for anything."

Ironwood:"Then you won't mind proving it, Miss. Pauline would please us to enter Mr. Schnee's mind with permission and know what he has in mind for our future here in Atlas and Mantle."

Jacques eyes widen as he gulped, while Ironwood was smiling and Pauline raising na eyebrow at the both man, before seh got up her seat and starrt making her way towards Jacques who seemed to be trembling and furiously tapping his fingers on the table.

Beforea all of the sudden Weiss entered in the room.

Weiss:"There won't be need of that General and Madam Pauline. All th proof you need are right here. Look with attention."

Weiss then pulled out her scroll and show it at all of the members of the room as their eyes widen once they saw what Jacques was doing, making a path with one of the members of Salem inner Circle, Klarion so that he could cheat his way in the election as well as the papers he had used to corrupt many people of High Ranking level and some of Ironwood's military.

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