Chapter 95

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Weiss was now seen looking for the reindeer Alexis in the entire Ice Kingdom.

Weiss:" Alexis?!? Alexis?!? Erm....... I'm sorry, have you seen a certain reindeer with a red nose and nasty attitude roaming around here?" she asked to one of the elves.

Elf:" You're talking about Alexis? Oh, she's here...... there..... up....... down......... She's everywhere......" she said with sarcasm before walking about while holding a christmas present.

Weiss then sighed as she hated being under the so called 'guidance' of the reindeer.

Weiss then focused and started searching for Alexis aura, but the thing is that it was too fast..... not looking for Alexis aura...... but Alexis herself was too fast.

Weiss:" Oh, screw it!!!" she said as she disappeared into thin air and warped herself towards the reindeer camp where most likely Alexis was.

Weiss then took a deep breath causing everything to be frozen literally even the sky.

Weiss then look up and used her magic to have advanced eyesight to see something red glowing in the frozen sky.

Weiss then smirk as teleported infront of Alexis who was half frozen.

Alexis:" I-It's you again....... Ugly hair......" she said with sarcasm but stuttering to the the amount of cold she was feeling right now.

Weiss:" I've put up with your bidding for a while for 2 months straight!!!! Now, tell me who can lead me back to my homeworld!!!! You must know, due to your high status and importance, right?!? Unless you're not lying!!!" she yelled to Alexis.

Alexis:" M-Me, l-lying........ T-That's against our code to do that...... F-Fine.......... I-I'm gonna introduce you to p-pops alright?" she said as Weiss was satisfied by the answer as she proceed to use telekenisis to rip a chunk of the frozen sky that contained Alexis to make sure she wouldn't have ran away.












Meanwhile back with Yang she was now seen walking in a burning place as she starred at her right hand glowing.

Yang:" I really want to know what you are." she said before a voice spoke up.

???:" I'm your Longinus." the voice said making Yang raised an eyebrow.

Yang:" Longinus? And what's that?" she asked to her right hand.

???:" The Longinus also known as Tools that Destroy Gods are the thirteen original top-tier Sacred Gears with enough power to kill Gods , as well as five additional Sacred Gears that evolved to the same level. The Longinus are also known as the Embodiments of God's Destruction, the Divine Destruction Tools and the Supreme Sacred Gears. All Longinus is just a combination of one ability with another. Essentially, they combine powerful abilities that aren't supposed to be combined. All of the Longinus are considered the strongest Sacred Gears in their respective categories such as 'Dimension Lost' being considered the ultimate barrier-type Sacred Gear or 'Annilation Maker' being considered the ultimate creation-type Sacred Gear. The Longinus are highly scalable and expandable Sacred Gears, especially after attaining the Balance Breaker, their power would significantly increase, and the abilities that they could manipulate also increased. Longinus absorbs their wielder's abilities and creativity, and then becomes a vessel for their realization." the voice said.

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