Chapter 56

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Cinder Fall.... one of the main evils of Remnant and the primary cause of the Fall of Beacon . She is a member of Salem's Inner Circle and was the leader of her own faction. She was also an Half Fall Maiden. Her machinations are the driving force behind the events of the planet Remnant, she was now resting for 2 weeks in a deep black water and remembering the events that led to her death by the hands of the now Fallen Maiden Y/n Zatara.

And after remembering it all, she then woke up from her sleep as she started drowing in the black water, until she started swimming out and once she reached out she gasped for air.

Cinder then crawled out the black pool as she looked at the sky, it was bloody red, before she start looking around and found herself in the Grimm World.

Cinder then start trowing up the black water from her mouth as she then looked at a clear reflection of herself.

Cinder then start backing away, before she ultimatly fell on the ground as she started crawling away panting in fear as she then raise her hand to try to summon her fire,but she couldn't even create a fire ball

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Cinder then start backing away, before she ultimatly fell on the ground as she started crawling away panting in fear as she then raise her hand to try to summon her fire,but she couldn't even create a fire ball. Nothing more than smoke came out.

Cinder then punched the ground angrily, before then started using her wings to fly away from here, from the Grimm World as she looked over to Salem's Castle before growling at it and just flew away, until the Grimm noticed her.

As Cinder was flying all of the sudden a black glowing chain wrapped around her neck pulling her back as she was then slammed on the ground.

Cinder then looked up tosee it was her Queen Salem as Cinder then got scared.

Salem:"For the Cinder gods, they never taught you good manners. What do they say when your queen decides to be good enough to bring you back to life?" she asked in a motherly tone as Cinder then nodded in fear and bowed down to her Queen Salem.

Salem:"Hmmmm, that's a start." she said before dropping an apple at Cinder's left side as Cinder just looked at it before starting to play with it as if it was a toy, acting like some kind of dog as the Grimm Queen smirked as the Grimms just looked at Cinder tilting their heads.






Before the events of the train, the Huntsmen and Huntresses were now talking about what to do with the Relic.

Ruby:"Should we take the Relic to Atlas?" she asked.

Qrow was now sitting on the couch with Jaune next to him as Y/n was laying her head on his lap and reading a book.

Qrow then shrugged.

Qrow:"That what Ozpin said." he responded calmly as Weiss then looked up to the two after cleaning her sword.

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