Chapter 89

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The Special Forces were now in the meeting room to decided what to do after Ironwood's speech.

Harriett:"But imagine if he really wants to leave Remnant to rot because we won't give him the kids or the Eliacube?"she asked.

Marrow:"Ah, so he's just bluffing? With an entire planet?"

Vine:"Don't underestimate the General, this new look of him ..... There seems to be something underneath."

Elm:"And what does it matter to us, we won't give them the Eliacube or the kids, do we understand each other?"

Then Qrow and Pauline stepped in the room as well.

Qrow:"Great. I see you are here. Have a squad of soldiers waiting, they have to stand guard. It's time to get the General to wake up a little bit from his psychopathic crisis."

Pauline:"Qrow....the General is not crazy. I felt his Aura, he came in contact with the Eliacube, or with a material related to the cube." she said.

Qrow:"It seems to me that I was clear from the start when your little cousin told me that the General has something in his mind. Here is the result. If he will try to attack us and give us a reason to fight back, then prepare yourself for there will be a bloodbath. We won't give those guys to that cube freak. We won't even give him the cube since he's already sick."

Marrow then sighed as he proceed to remove the his Atlas coat much to his team surprise.


Marrow:"Many things have happened between us, between the betrayal of Axel .... the attacks of Salem, the kidnapping of little Oscar and now the General who has gone mad. Everything is spinning out of control. I believed in the General. I thought we could work together to create something better. And now he threatens us and wants to use guys to become the strongest of all." he said.

Harriett then sighed before she went to tap his shoulder.

Harriett:"Listen Marrow, I know this situation is too much but we have to be strong."

Vine:"It's worth the risk, if that's what it takes to get the General to cooperate in more peaceful ways." he said calmly.

Elm:"You're out of your mind Vine !!! I don't like this situation either but it doesn't mean that we have to put the kids' lives at risk."

Marrow:"Seriously Vine? Do you seriously still believe what the General says? Is there really any of you three who really believe other than Vine, that it's a great idea?!?! I once wore my insignia with pride. But now I see them for what they really are. A collar." he then trew his Atlas coat on the table of the room and walked out.

Qrow then sighed as Pauline shook her head.

Qrow then looked at Vine with a glare.

Qrow:"Do you like chains? Do you want to be a licker? Perfect. Go away, I know very well that someone like you ... would try to do something to the kids. And when I mean get out, I mean get out of the underground. And find your 'General'."

Vine then nodded as he proceed to walk out the room as Harriett and Elm eyes widen once they saw how calm Vine was as he just walked out the room like nothing happened.

Elm:"..............And two others leave the team.....we're the only ones now..."

Harriett just sighed.






Meanwhile with our Young Hunters, Vernal, Willow and Ilia Pietro and Maria Calavera they were now in the Schnee's residence talking about what to do next.

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