Chapter 1

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Everyone was now in the auditorium wondering why where they here as RWBY and PRNA were now sitting together and talking to each other as Jaune was sitting far away from every one...well more like avoiding everyone, he was wearing a black that no one could've recognize him....and looking at the hour in his scroll....






Ruby:"What do you guys, think Ozpin called us all in for?"she asked her team.

Weiss:"It's clearly an announcement for something important regarding us or the Academy, you dunce, what else?"she said angrily at her team leader, who then looked down embaressed.

Blake:"True and seeing all these other new students in Beacon...made it seems like there are gonna be new recruits...."

Yang:"It doesn't matter to me, I'm pretty sure it will be good which ever way todays goes. Eh?....Eh?"

Blake:"It was a bad one Yang....." she said while reading at her book as Ruby sighed.

Axel:"I won't leave you Yanging girl, it's probably a quick annoucement for the homecoming dance.." he said with his usual charming Jaune looked at him with a glare, before looking back at his scroll...wishing for whatever Ozpin had in mind to finish it up quickly.

Pyrrha:"I agree with Axel, it's most likely gonna be a short annoucement for the homecoming dange, plus the new students wanting to join Beacon...It wil be interesting to see what they are capable of..."

Ren:"Me too...It will be quite interesting to see....."

Nora:"Ooh, this is gonna be so fun!!!"

Jaune then start holding is scroll harder as he heard them talking....





Ozpin:"Hello Everyone, to new students welcome to Beacon Academy, you are one of the privilaged youth who received the honor to attend this prestigious academy and as future Huntsman and is your duty to  prove yourself......for years you have trained to be warriors and today ...your abilities will be tested in the Emerald forest....each of you will be given will be with you with the rest of your at Beacon......for 4 years....don't hesitate to destroy anything in your will find an abandoned temple containing several relics........"

Ozpin then gave the students a signal to take their all of them were now launched into the sky, Glynda however noticed that someone was missing......

Glynda:"Ozpin......Where is the Zatara girl....."

Ozpin just pointed at the they turned to see a pigeon flying down...much to Glynda the pigeon was flying down ...he then landed on top of a tree...before a bright purple light appeared around the pigeon....revealing it was Y/n...

Y/n:"Now then....." she then used her detector magic to sense where the relics could be at....

Y/n then used her magic to teleport to where the relics could be she grabbed her...which was a white knight......

Y/n:"Okay......that was actually.....quite easy...." she then teleported outside the temple as she was holding the white knight....until she heard growling coming from the she then took her fighting purple energy started emitting from the palms of her hands......before all the sudden a Beowolf jumped out and tried to attack Y/n...only for her to transform it into a little puppy.......

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