Chapter 96

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A blonde warrior was now seen walking in what seemed to be an empty desert, his skin tone had gotten tanner due to his exposure to the Sun as his back was boiling from the hot temperature.

The blonde warrior was panting very hard.

Jaune:" M-Maybe a glass of water........ I-Ice cold......." he said as a bright tiny light appear on his left revealing a tiny creature that resemble him.

???:" Watch out!!! There's a rock!!!!" he told as Jaune moved to the left avoiding tripping.

???:" There you go, that's it big guy. Walk around it!!!! Gotta, watch were you walk, alright? Because in your state, any fall would be-" however Jaune ended up losing his balance and fall down the hill of the desert.

The tiny version of also known as Chibi Jaune then sighed as he appeared infront of regular Jaune whose face was laying on the sand.

Chibi Jaune:" You must be joking!! Can't you look where you're going? You're going the right way about it if this is where you wanna end up!!!" he said as regular Jaune then got up and kept on going forward until he crashed against a huge rock.

Jaune:" Urrrrkk......" he then let his body fall and ended up right back on the ground.

Chibi Jaune then appeared on Jaune's right.

Chibi Jaune:" Ow! That's gotta hurt. Come on, stop this now. If you stay here, I have to stay here!!! Pull yourself together. If you don't want to do it for me, then at least do it for me. Erm no..... that's no what I meant, I'm getting a little mixed up."

Jaune:" Oh, just leave me alone!! I want to be alone!!!" he yelled as Chibi Jaune started laughing amused by regular Jaune.

Chibi Jaune:" But you're alone, dummy!!!!! I'm you, you're me!!!! It's me, your conscience!!! La, la, la........" he then started doing a goofy dance as regular Jaune raised his fist up and attempted to slam it on top of Chibi Jaune, however he missed terribly.

Chibi Jaune:" Hahahahahaha!!!! I can't leave you, you've reached rock bottom!!!! I don't think you've even realized just exactly  where you could end up-" he was then interrupted by regular Jaune who raise his face from the sand and yelled in pure anger.

Jaune:" LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!" he said as his scream was so powerful it split the sky in half.













Moments later, Jaune was seen continuing his travel as he was becoming skinnier due to not having eat or took a drink and due to the Sun he was starting to hallucinate seeing Y/n as a mermaid swimming in the water.

Jaune then started running towards the hallucination and ended up jumping through it.

Jaune ended up crashing on the sand as Chibi Jaune then appeared on top of regular Jaune messy blonde hair.

Chibi Jaune:" Our end is close, Jauney boy. I guess that's why you came here, huh? To end it?" he asked to regular Jaune.

Jaune:" No..... What? This place...... This is where......" he was then interrupted by Chibi Jaune, who talked for him.

Chibi Jaune:" This is Elumalù....... One of the ancient places that Y/n talked you about.........." he said as Jaune took a deep breath.

Jaune:" No! I get it!!! Another hallucination!!!!!! Well, they're not going to trick me again!!!!!" he said as he run up to the Forgotten Kingdom of Elumalù.

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