Chapter 47

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The Huntsman and Huntresses were eating all together, but It was a really quiet breakfast due to what happened Yesterday with Jaune, Weiss and Yang.

The young Hunters would've Just glance at each other, but said nothing.

Y/n, Ruby, Oscar just looked at each other and back to their comrades and sighed, 

Jaune didn't Say a Word and barely was eating his breakfast, Weiss was tapping her fork on the tablet as Yang, Who was next to her, was feeling annoyed by all of this.

Yang:" So, Weiss. How did you lose your map in a time like that?" She asked Weiss.

Ruby:" Believe me, I ask my self the same question." She said trying to light up the mood.

However Weiss wasn't in the Mood to joke around.

Y/n the turned to Jaune and tapped his shoulder.

Y/n:" So, I've from certain voices, Mr. Muscles that you've taken down various Grimm in your own, even the bigger and dangerous ones."She the punched his arm in a friendly Way.

Jaune:"Hmm..." He Just Hummed as a response.

Ruby:"Oh, yeah!! You should've totally see him in the Battle Field. Jaune was a Total badass!!!" She yelled in a very Happy tone as Jaune Just scoffed as a response as he glare at both Weiss and Yang.

Yang:"O-Oh, y-yeah t-that's great!!"she then gulped.

Nora then look at each of them as she face palmed, this reunion was cringy, akward and forced.

Jaune then after he finish eating before the others, he got up and walk back to his room until Y/n grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the room.

Y/n*whisper*:"You got to help us clean."

Jaune*whisper*:"Can't you use your magic to clean all of it in an instant."

Y/n*whisper*:"Sometimes, magic can't be used for these porpouses."

Jaune then scoffed.

After all of them finish eating, Jaune took all the plates was now washing up.

Jaune*whisper*:"What a pain in the butt." he said.

Yang:"It's not that bad, Vomit Boy. You'll get used to it." she said trying to be funny, however Jaune took that as an insult.

Jaune:"Aaah, a nice blast from the past with the old nicknames ... How wonderful." he said with clear sarcasm and anger as Yang scratched the back of her head embaressed

Ruby then face palmed, because of Yang calling Jaune 'Vomit Boy', which was a way to insult Jaune.

Nora then tried to light up the mood.

Nora:"Well, after this who wants so ice cream?" she said with a bright smile on her face, Weiss the sighed.

Weiss:"I have no words to tell you how much I didn't miss you." she said trying to be atleast funny.

Jaune:"Neither did I." he responded as he kept cleaning the plates.

Y/n then turn to Weiss and look at her up and down.

Weiss:"What? Is there a problem?" she asked Y/n.

Y/n:"What happened to you to melt your heart like this while you were away?"she asked Weiss, who just looked down on th ground.

Weiss:"From the way you speak it seems that I was unbearable."

Y/n then put an hand on her chin.

Y/n:"Pretty much..... yes."

Ruby then covered her mouth, as Weiss scoffed a little.

Ren:"It has been a long time. We have all grown up, each on our own way."

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