Chapter 120

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Oscar and Cassandra were now inside of the Hell Dungeon, looking for Ruby after they sensed the disturbance in the Dungeon and wanted to make sure she was alright.

All of the sudden a burst of two Super Tier Magic caught their attention as Oscar and Cassandra were noticing what appeared to be Y/n fighting against Ruby.

The two were seen both floating in the air as Ombrage smirked.

Ombrage turned her sight to Oscar and Cassandra despite them being extremelly far away.

Ombrage:( The chilvary has arrived....... She must have communicated with them during our clash. I can deal with the Rose with thorns, but against those two........ I'm gonna need Dathura's help......) she thought in her head.

Countless JabberWalkers started appearing from huge portals as Ruby had a frown on her face.

Ruby:( How can she make such a great amount of those? Is this Y/n true power that I'm witnessing? She's trying to shorten the fight by gathering her forces in a single location.... She opened her portals as if she was carrying on as planned. She's trying to keep us away from each other.) she thought in her head, meanwhile Little was hiding in her cleavage.

Ombrage:" I can hear the pulsing hearts of these living creatures and their screams..... The sound of their demise is like music to my ears. Looks, like we're ready now. Destroy everything in sight. That is our sole mission!!!" she said with a sadistic smile on her face.

The Jabberwalkers, now amped, started firing a barrage of blasts out of their mouths.

Cassandra used her staff and created an army of Super Tier Demons who to fight against the JabberWalkers.

The battle was ruthless as all it could've been seen were just explosions and destruction.

Ruby teleported herself away from there taking the opportunity that Ombrage was distracted.

Ruby:( The Rune Stone....... I gotta have to use counterattack my opponent. When a beast dies, their abilities are automatically sealed in a stone.) she thought in her head as she thought it was the only option as she summoned the Rune Stone of the Crimson Castle.

) she thought in her head as she thought it was the only option as she summoned the Rune Stone of the Crimson Castle

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Oscar created a green cube that absorbed most of the JabberWalkers and extinguished them.

Ruby then grabbed the Rune stone she got from the Red Prince's Dungeon and crushed it.

Ruby eyes glowed bright Silver as Ruby's red aura extended greatly.

Ombrage sensed that as a smirk appeared on her face.

Ombrage:" Milions of your kind have died already. How much longer will you stay hiding?" she asked in a taunting tone towards Ruby.

Ruby:" Who said, I'm hiding....." she said with a red dangerous aura around her.

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