Chapter 6

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Blake ws now sitting and drinking her coffee, as the figure right infront of her.....did the same

Blake:"...............Did you ever heard of the White Fang?.........Sun?"

Sun:"Oh, yeah of course I don't think there's a Faunas on the planet who isn't aware of them.....stupid bunch of terrorits......just a bunch of freaks if you ask me."

Blake:"I was......once a member of them....."

Sun then started coughing, and look at Blake in disbelief....

Sun:"What a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?"

Blake:"That's right....I was a member for most of my life can almost say...I was born into it.......back then.....things were the ashes of war.....The White Fang was supposed to be a Symbol of Peace and unity between Human and Faunas......of course, despite being promise to equality....the Faunas were subjected to discrimination....and hate, humanity still thought of us as trash and useless the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people....and I was there, I was the front of every liberation.......I took part at some projects of equality....I actually thought we were making a difference........five years ago, our leader stepped down and a new one took his place..a new leader, with a new way of thinking..suddenly our peaceful protest.... were being replace with organized attacks....they were sending fire to shops.....who refused to serve us.......fighting against the Faunas slavery.....and the worst part is that it was working...we were being treated like equals, and then the respect and the, I decided that wasn't the life for me and left....and I decided that I no longer wanted to use my abilities to aid them...and instead, dedicate my life to become and, here I am.....a criminal hiding, all with the help of a little black bow.......a real criminal..." she said the last part, thinking about her team and PNRA have treated Jaune as he if he was a criminal.....even though his reasons are not comparable to hers....she did worse....

Sun:"So......have you told your friends any of this?"

Blake then stood quiet as she look at her cup........







Ruby, Jaune, Y/n, Weiss and Yang were now looking for Blake as for the whole time Ruby and Yang kept screaming.....





Meanwhile as they were screaming Y/n was focusing into finding Blake aura, to track her down...

Ruby:"Weiss, you're not helping!!" she said to the Schnee who only scoffed.

Weiss:"You know, who could help us? And you decided to to bring to them.....with us...what are they even useful for? I mean, Y/n could be useful.....but Arc?"she said pointing at Y/n and Jaune, as the blonde boy eyes twitched, before he turn to Y/n who was still sensing some auras.....

Yang:"I mean, come on what he can do? Without his mommy, backing him up...all the times he get his butt kicked....."she said mocking Jaune's abilities....

Jaune the start getting even more angry as his eyes flickered from blue ocean to golden for a split of a second....

???:"Salutation....." then the group turn to see a girl they never met before.

" then the group turn to see a girl they never met before

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