Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno Part 4

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After having dealt with his father Gustave, Spawn was seen making his way through another Circle of Hell, also known as Wrath, as an evil laughter was heard echoing everywhere.

Violator:" Do you see the souls of those over whom Wrath prevails? At the sweet setting of the sun, they were filled with hatred. The black slime of the Styx covers their desire to never have been born." he told to Spawn.

Spawn was seen making his way deeper in the Circle of Wrath noticing the cruelty sorrounding the area and the violence spread everywhere.

Violator:" Disdainful souls, those who believe they are Kings up there, remain here like pigs in puddles of mud, leaving behind horrible memories." he told to Spawn as he stood quiet remembering himself more as he was making his way through the place.






In the past Aguilar's soldiers were seen capturing, torturing, killing the heretics under the claims of the Bishop to absolve the heretics sins, which they had no committed. This caused a stirr between Aguilar and Sergio's ideals and views.

Aguilar:" WE ARE HERE TO END THE HERETICS!!!!" he yelled at Sergio.

Sergio:" We have come to reclaim the Holy Land." he told to Aguilar with an angered look on his face.

Arguilar:" Since when are Heretics worth the life of a child of the Light?" he asked in anger as he gave in to the wrath and started firing fire balls at the heretics killing and them all.

Sergio:" AGUILAR!!! ENOUGH!!!!!" he yelled however it was too late.







Spawn was now seen making his way through the volcanic area of the Circle of Wrath as Violator.

Violator:" By now, the city of Thedal is preparing and with it its damned citizens. The eternal fire that blazes it tinges the mosques with vermilion and at this point Hell." he warned Spawn.

Spawn had now made his way into a colosseum as multiple warriors were seen getting broke down by the strongest of them.

Spawn had now made his way into a colosseum as multiple warriors were seen getting broke down by the strongest of them

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Violator took a deep breath.

Violator:" Aaaah, music to my ears. He's one of my favorite guys around here...." he said as Spawn made his way further recognizing the Demon Brute.

Spawn:"Meztli, The King of Thedal, I hope you left something for me. I'll try not to enjoy this too much." he said with a mocking tone as Meztli turned to Spawn and started walking closer as Spawn started backing a little bit realizing how much of a giant Meztli was compared to Spawn himself, being 710 cm.

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